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rCreateDiaryRecord: DiaryParser: <br/> without corresponding <br>

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Hi all

I'm trying to add a diary record to my briefing in the middle of the mission. Because I'd like it to be multiplayer compatible and some calculations have to be done before updating the briefing I call a script which is only run on the server, the diary record should then be added to all clients' briefings via remote script execution

This is the script which I call from a trigger in the editor:

if(isServer) then {

westCasualties = (countWestUnits - ({side _x == WEST} count allUnits));
eastCasualties = countEastUnits - ({side _x == RESISTANCE} count allUnits);

[nil,nil,"per",rHINT, format[localize "STR_hint_aar", countEastUnits, eastCasualties, round (100*(eastCasualties / countEastUnits)), eastCasualties, objectivePointsEast, (objectivePointsEast + westCasualties) - eastCasualties, countWestUnits, westCasualties, round (100*(westCasualties / countWestUnits)), 2 * westCasualties, objectivePointsWest, (objectivePointsWest + eastCasualties) - 2 * westCasualties, floor (time / 60), timeLimit / 60]] call RE;

[nil,nil,"per",rCreateDiaryRecord, "Diary", [localize "STR_diary_aar", format[localize "STR_briefing_aar", countEastUnits, eastCasualties, round (100*(eastCasualties / countEastUnits)), eastCasualties, objectivePointsEast, (objectivePointsEast + westCasualties) - eastCasualties, countWestUnits, westCasualties, round (100*(westCasualties / countWestUnits)), 2 * westCasualties, objectivePointsWest, (objectivePointsWest + eastCasualties) - 2 * westCasualties, floor (time / 60), timeLimit / 60]]] call RE;

Unfortunately the diary record is not added to the briefing. The only reference I can find for this in the .RPT file is the line:

DiaryParser: <br/> without corresponding <br>

I have no clue what this line is trying to tell me; just to be safe I erased all <br/> tags from my stringtable.csv file but the message is still printed into the .RPT file.

Using a stringtable.xml file instead of .csv does not show the message in the .RPT file but the briefing is still not updated...

Does anyone have a clue how to get the diary record created properly?

Is my RE call correct in the first place (I'm not too sure, since I haven't used it yet with createDiaryRecord)?

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