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Is Autohover realistic

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After finishing the career mode as a beginner i am know getting familiar with the expert mode.

Even in expert mode it is possible to engage autohover. My question is: is this realistic, do real life helicopters have gyro systems that help stabilize helo's (i know military choppers do but is it common in civil aviation?).

Thanks in advance,

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Autohover as it's available in the game is not realistic. Some helicopters have stability augmentation systems to assist in hovering for sling load operations, but not in the way the in-game autohover operates. It is purely a game helper.

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Autohover as it's available in the game is not realistic. Some helicopters have stability augmentation systems to assist in hovering for sling load operations, but not in the way the in-game autohover operates. It is purely a game helper.

Not entirely true... Most helo's do not have the hover hold system that is featured in this game. There is a nice system out there called "AHHS" and it stands for Altitude Hold and Hover Stabilization. It is a wonderful system that actually provides true "hands-free" cyclic and collective control. Check out this link, http://www.drs-ds.com/Products/Avionics/AHHS.aspx. Your guy's autohover does exactly what a working AHHS does... Bravo. If I didn't know any better, I would say you have flown in a helo with one?


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