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BIS_fnc_SpawnGroup upgrade

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Here's my suggestion:

You know there are 3 different ways how to spawn groups with this function right?

Now one of them is this:

[getPos aPos, EAST, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

It does create randomly 5 east side units, but they are always from the same faction. In the case above it always creates a group of Russian soldiers.

Tested it almost 100 times and it is always the same faction.

Please BIS make it that you can select the faction as well:

[getPos aPos, EAST, BIS_TK, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

This would create 5 soldiers of the Takistany Army.

Or maybe even better:

[getPos aPos, EAST, [bIS_TK,INS,RU], 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

This way it would create 5 soldiers of one of the possible random factions.

Please Mr. Joris

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