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Another IED script

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Well there are a lot of IED scripts around, i had done this one long ago, but now i got time to translate it to english so here it is.



1- Fully configurable IED, radius, power, side, .... And you can use it on any object/vehicle/unit, even moving ones.

2- Wire cutting mini-game to disarm the bomb.

3- Frequency scanner( IED detector) and frequency inhibitor.

Requires: @CBA

Download(script + example mission):

http://www.mediafire.com/?a4z8f7if4asdo4f (i will post more links later)


How to include in your mission:

1- Copy the scripts folder into your mission.

2- Add(or create) to your description.ext this 2 lines:

*This line could go anywhere, for example at the end of the descrition:

#include "Scripts\IED\Bomba_Dialog.hpp"

*This line MUST go inside the cfgsounds definition, if you haven't cfgsound defined on your descrition add this:

class CfgSounds
   sounds[] = {};
       #include "Scripts\IED\Bomba_Sonidos.hpp"

(if you have already defined cfgsounds, just add the "include" line into your cfgsounds.

3- Add this line to the IED obj:

x= [this,70,50,30,2,false,1,3] execVM "scripts\IED\InitIED.sqf";


1- IED ob

2- chance of being IED . 100 always IED, 0 ¿¿never?? xDD

3- Dificulty to disarm the bomb. 100 easy, 0 imposible

4- Activation radius. If x(parameter 7) soldiers or a vehicle are closer than this meters, the IED explodes

5 - Explosive power, from 1 to 7

6 - Always show the IED action even if it is not an IED. If false only the active IEDs will show the action to interact.

7 - Max number of soldiers that can come close to the IED before explode. For example if 1, only 1 soldier can go near the IED, if 2 or more are too close it will detonate.

8 - Random time delay for IED explosion.

9 - Side who activate the IEDs, default its west. Posible values: 'west', 'east', 'resistance', 'civilian'

10- Terrorist. Must be the name of an existing unit. The IED will only detonate if the terrorist its alive.


x= [this,50,30,50,2,false,1,5] execVM "scripts\IED\InitIED.sqf";

50% of being an IED, 30% chance of being disabled*,activation radius 50m, power 2(small), if not IED it won't show any action, if more than one soldier or a vehicle comes close to the IED it will detonate in 0-5 seconds.

other ex:

x= [this,70,50,30,1,true,2,1] execVM "scripts\IED\InitIED.sqf";

70% of being an IED, 50% chance of being disabled*,activation radius 30m, minimum power(1), always shows the action even if not active, if more than 2 soldier or a vehicle comes close to the IED it will detonate in 0-1 seconds.

* Note: It still depends on the reflexes of the guy who is disabling the IED, that is just a orientative value.

*Additional notes, inhibitors:

To add a frequency inhibitor to a vehicle/unit you will need to add this to it's init line:

x= [this,70] execVM "scripts\IED\Init_inhibidor.sqf";

It will avoid the explosion of any IED that it's inside its afected radius, 70m in this example, but you can use any other radius.

*Frequency scanner:

To add a Frequency scanner to a vehicle/unit add this line to their init:

x= [this,60] execVM "scripts\IED\Init_Detector.sqf";

It will detect any IED inside its detection radius, you will be able to activate or desactivate the scanner via mousewhell action.

Edited by columdrum

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This is a great IED script!!

I wanna make mission use this.

After defuse IEDs of use this script.

and how to do connect End or Task completed trigger.

If you have a time. Please help.

Edited by buzzrock

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The best IED script out there.. i love the inhibitors and the scanners.

Saludos Colum.

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Is this ACE2 compatible? :D

Yes, its compatible with anything, since it just uses default arma stuff. The only requirement its CBA( that if you are using ACE, you must already have it)

Thx for the mirror, i was wondering why suddenly this old post was upped, i just noticed it was on armaholic :P

Edited by columdrum

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