HUEY22 1 Posted December 19, 2011 Is anyone else having issues with their Nivadia GTX580? I seem to have a completely random stuttering problem on my system when running TOH. Some times all works well for 20 mins then the screen freezes for a second or two then frees up again. There seems to be no logic to why or when this happens. Anyone else had Nivadia issues? Huey22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slapstick 10 Posted December 19, 2011 I just noticed this with my GTX260. Game play is fine for long periods of time and then the screen will freeze for several seconds. I'm not sure if it is graphics card related or something else. I swear I played for hours the other night and didn't have this problem; I just noticed it now trying one of the challenges (tour to look at properties for sale). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUEY22 1 Posted December 19, 2011 Mine is the same, sometime it's fine for an hour or two then I will move to a different challenge and the glitches start. Going to go and do some tinkering and see if I can resolve it once and for all. I will report back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slapstick 10 Posted December 22, 2011 Interesting... the only time I've noticed the stuttering is when playing the challenges. It doesn't seem to happen during the training missions, free flight, or career mode (so far). I wonder if there is a scripting bug in some of the challenges? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevos758 10 Posted December 26, 2011 Slapstick said: I just noticed this with my GTX260. Game play is fine for long periods of time and then the screen will freeze for several seconds. I'm not sure if it is graphics card related or something else. I swear I played for hours the other night and didn't have this problem; I just noticed it now trying one of the challenges (tour to look at properties for sale). Yes. I am having the same issue as slapstick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUEY22 1 Posted January 3, 2012 Yup - definatly happens more often in challenges and in the editor. What I dont get is why it seems so random. Somtimes its ok then the next miniute nnnn.....stutter.....nnnn.....stutter. All I want to know is that sombody somewere within Bohemia is trying to resolve these issues. As mentioned in my last post I want to love this game but at the moment its frustrating me due to lack of consistant performace.I was told the Nvidia GTX 580 was a top of the line product so Im not sure were the issue is. Whats going on Bohemia chaps? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slapstick 10 Posted January 3, 2012 If we could reliably reproduce the problem we could open a ticket in the CIT... but I'm not having any luck reproducing the problem. In fact it hasn't happened again in quite some time (knock on wood). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUEY22 1 Posted January 10, 2012 Evening gents. Just swapped to a SSD drive and so far all good. I will continue to test this week and report back. The other drive was brand new and fast but not fast enough it would seem. Cheers HUEY22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jasonmvt 1 Posted January 18, 2012 I am also having 2-3 second freezes during flight.. actually even if im sitting on the ground. EVEN when the main title screen is up.. with the heli flying around... i get 3 second freezes. really starting to get frustrating. i like the gameplay and simulator aspects enough to go out and upgrade my mobo, processor and RAM as i am running an amd duel core with 4 gigs of ram and a gtx 260 witch are all the "recommended" hardware. I cant see it being a drive issue, ive never had a drive speed issue with any large scale simulators before. Again.. no problems with any other simulators set on FULL settings across the board. and also if I bought the game on steam.. how do i go about putting it on an SSD if i do give up and get all new hardware?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jasonmvt 1 Posted January 18, 2012 Yes mine is doing the same thing. I want to go out and upgrade my machine, right now i have all the "recommended" hardware.. exactly the same stuttering issue right from the openning screen with the heli doing flybys. but if the HDD is an issue. and i do get a SSD, how do i run the game on the ssd if i bought the game off of steam? TBH i dont even really know how steam works but i cant even find the games location and do i just run steam off of the SSD? any help would be great.. and i think i will still upgrade my comp anyway b/c the hardware is gettn a little outdated, amd duel core, 4 gigs of RAM, gtx 260, windows 7 64. I can run any sim and or game that i have on FULL settings with no problem.. until now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[evo] dan 79 Posted January 18, 2012 I am running on practically minimum specs with 5k view distance and 2k draw distance and I still get a smooth 20+fps everywhere on my laptop. I just make sure I run all the graphics on min and turn pip off since that costs me 5 fps (the same as playing a song on spotify too). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUEY22 1 Posted January 20, 2012 I have now been running the SSD every night and not one stutter. The drive was the weakest link without a doubt. If anyone is having stutter lag issues with TOH i would recommend upgrading. I found the link below very helpful. Im sure if you contact the BI guys they will give you a solution re how to manage your steam challenge. They seem like a helpful bunch. Also - i bought my PC from PC Specialists. They all new what they were talking about. Service was fantastic. Cant rate them enough. HUEY22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jasonmvt 1 Posted January 21, 2012 I was having the exact same stuttering issues as i said in my previous post.. frustrated i went into my task manager and looked at the resource monitor and realized my cpu was sitting at 54% usage with no programs running in the tray.. not even steam. found out it was my Nvidia auto update system somehow running up the cpu. turned off the auto update, cpu dropped to 1% game runs on almost full settings now and like i said, gtx 260, older dual core processor, 4 gigs of ram. hard drive is a nothing special 500 gig drive that i never defrag. i guess it was some sort of glitch with the nvidia updater, not the hard drive for me. runs awesome, now i love this sim! flight sim with the added touch of having a storyline and being able to get out and interact with stuff... amazing!! ps, i hate computers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUEY22 1 Posted February 11, 2012 Glad you got it sorted fella. HUEY22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites