AAF_Eagles_Talon 0 Posted June 17, 2002 I've started my own map, i've mastered making an island's complete topography in wilbur, using only "set to pixle" when saving it, instead of using the map ruining method of fooling with z max and min, just a bit of adjustment with z mid, and i get a perfect island, i have started work on my island, and i will not rest until it is at least as good as bis's origional islands, if not better (or at least until lunchtime.... ). im interested in joining this little group, my e-mail is [email protected] hope 2 hear from ya L8r Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Facemeister75 0 Posted June 18, 2002 There is a serious lack of urban warfare on ofp so whoever makes the islands can you make one with a big city please?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KTottE 0 Posted June 18, 2002 Not really, no. You see, it's not about whether or not we want to create it, it's about whether or not the OFP engine can handle it. Or more importantly, your computer. A huge city demands alot of your computer in the ways of CPU speed and RAM. If Resistance implements better support for urban environments, then you can rest assured that we will create urban warfare maps. Although, if Resistance doesn't handle urban maps better than OFP, you won't be seeing any urban warfare maps from us. We are only going to create great, realistic and peak performance terrain. Which means we won't create terrain that will completely bog down your PC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lukin 0 Posted June 18, 2002 i know the plans for our first project, but i think its top secret, all i want is for our SITE SERVER TO BE UP! any of u guys with o2 willing to help us, we need new building models Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wadi 0 Posted June 18, 2002 Can I suggest a model that would be good and realistic: a sports stadium. We could use one. I was thinking of them because of the world cup (England play Brazil on friday - gulp...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heinrich 0 Posted June 18, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A huge city demands alot of your computer in the ways of CPU speed and RAM.<span id='postcolor'> Not necessarily. I have tested a city (well 4-5 times the size of the biggest 1s on Everon say) that runs fine on my mediocre comp (750 mhz). This is partly acheived by reducing the complexity and detail of the surrounding landscape. By compromising, you can get a rather large town that runs fine. You could futher increase FPS by using fog or limiting the view distance via the editor for the large cities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KTottE 0 Posted June 18, 2002 Well as you said: If you compromise you can achieve good results. There will be no compromises with Internal Editing. Well, of course there will be some, but not to the extent of which you are suggesting. If we are going to have an urban map, we don't want to have to reduce the terrain detail to a minimum, and set the viewing distance to 100 meters. Oh, and when you tested it with that large city, how many units were on the map? Only you, the player? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soul_assassin 1750 Posted June 19, 2002 Site still not up due to server maintenance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heinrich 0 Posted June 19, 2002 Well I have been playing around and on my map that's in progress and I have made a city that's about 500m in radius, rather detailed, different houses and plenty of trees on the surrounding area, nothing less than BIS maps, and I still achieve an acceptable frame rate (about 30fps on my crappy system) with no lowering of view distance and/or fog. A more detailed city however may reduce FPS to 25fps or so. I tested it with 2 platoons moving through the city (east and west). 1 of the biggest lags in the entire game is forests. If you can avoid forests around the area the FPS increases exponentially. Of course, more testing is still needed... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wadi 0 Posted June 21, 2002 Is the website up yet? *goes and sulks because England lost* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites