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Adding custom faces to AI in mission

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Hi all,

I'm trying to add a custom face to a specific AI character in a mission. I've searched the forums and I'm not quite sure it is possible, but even if it is, I'm not very sure about how to do it. My two main questions are:

What do I need to put in the initialization box in the mission editor/description file?


Where would the custom face jpg need to be located?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Put this code in the description.ext file:

class CfgIdentities
   class My_first_guy
       name = "Postal Dude";
       face = "Face107";
       glasses = "Spectacles";
       speaker = "Dan";
       pitch = 1.1;

You can alter those settings above according to your wishes. In the editor you need to enter this code in the init-line of your unit: this setIdentity "My_first_guy";

Now here's the real trouble. As far as I know you can't simply refer to a face texture within the mission file itself. Basicly every face is part of config and if you add a new config to the game, it's considered to be an addon. And that's another story...

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