guziczek101 11 Posted December 1, 2011 If someone could write a script who will force the tank to shoot in random places if it's not a problem if the tower motion can be limited to 60 degrees to the right / left shot to the distance to 100 - 250 meters I also add a image to explain what I mean (unfortunately I'm not Picasso) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aldo15 11 Posted December 4, 2011 only way is downloading the Invisible targets by FOX or some another invisible targets, so the tank will shoot to their position. Other way would be with the "Fire" command for example "tank1 Fire "NameofShellor Sabot" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiller 18 Posted December 20, 2011 (edited) hi, guziczek101 said: If someone could write a script who will force the tank to shoot in random places if it's not a problem if the tower motion can be limited to 60 degrees to the right / left shot to the distance to 100 - 250 metersI also add a image to explain what I mean (unfortunately I'm not Picasso) Here's a script to do what you want. Addon needed: N/A Addon suggested: N/A Version: 1.0 By: Nikiller Credits: Nikiller MP compatable: yes Required version: OFP 1.96 or CWA (ofp 1.99) Description: this script makes a tank fire at random places in a defined area. Mission maker can choose the distance, axe X and axe Y. installation: put the fx folder in your mission folder, give the unit a name and write in the unit's init field or in the init.sqs [vehicleName,axeX,axeY,distance] exec "fx\force_fire\tank_fire.sqs". Note: for performance purpose I strongly recommand to make an array to define the vehicles name (i.e nik_west_m1a1=[WestM1A11,WestM1A12]) in the init.sqs init.sqs Reveal hidden contents ;******************************** ;init Script by Nikiller v0.9b ;contact: ;******************************** nik_host=local server nik_west_m1a1=[WestM1A11,WestM1A12] ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Force tank to fire ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {[_x,150,100,100] exec "fx\force_fire\tank_fire.sqs"} forEach nik_west_m1a1 exit tank_fire.sqs Reveal hidden contents ;****************************************************** ;Tank Fire Script by Nikiller v0.9b ;Force tank to fire on a defined area ;Note: Place a game logic named server on the map ;contact: ;[vehicleName,axeX,axeY,distance] exec "scriptName.sqs" ;example: [WestM1A11,200,100,100] exec "scriptName.sqs" ;****************************************************** ~1+random 3 _u = _this select 0 _sx = _this select 1 _sy = _this select 2 _d = _this select 3 if nik_host then {} else {goto "ende"} _u setBehaviour "COMBAT" _del1=5 _del2=0.5 _g=gunner _u _m=(magazines (_u) select 0) _pu=getPos _u _diru=getDir _u _t="fire" createVehicle [0,0,0] _t setPos [(_pu select 0)+_d*sin _diru,(_pu select 1)+_d*cos _diru,+0] ~_del2 _u doWatch _t _pt=getPos _t #l ~_del1 if ((canFire _u) && (alive _g)) then {} else {goto "ende"} _cx=_pt select 0 _cy=_pt select 1 _cz=_pt select 2 _cx=_cx+(-_sx+random 2*_sx) _cy=_cy+random _sy _cz=0 ;hint format ["%1", getPos _t] _t setPos [_cx,_cy,_cz] ~_del2 _u fire (weapons (_u) select 0) if (someAmmo _u) then {goto "l"} ~_del1 if ((canFire _u) && (alive _g)) then {_u removeMagazines _m; _u addMagazine _m; goto "l"} #ende _u doWatch objNull ~_del1 _t setPos [0,0,0] ~_del1 deleteVehicle _t ;hint "DEBUG: exit tank_fire.sqs" exit Here's a demo to show how it works: DEMO LINK cya. Nikiller. Edited December 20, 2011 by Nikiller Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guziczek101 11 Posted December 21, 2011 thanks Nikiller i was try to modify your script of forcing AA fire but I do not know still in mathematics Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matteo1944 10 Posted December 21, 2011 Every time I place Mg(this works with mg?) that fire(firepit) keep on appearing around place where mg is firing!!! and i dont know how to remove it!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiller 18 Posted December 21, 2011 hi, guziczek101 said: thanks Nikiller i was try to modify your script of forcing AA fire but I do not know still in mathematics What you asked to force AA fire and to force tank fire is not the same. I forgot about fireplace. I updated the script to don't see the fireplace anymore. NEW DOWNLOAD LINK HERE Matteo1944 said: Every time I place Mg(this works with mg?) that fire(firepit) keep on appearing around place where mg is firing!!! and i dont know how to remove it!!! It can be compatable with MG but you have to change the loop delay to be faster. If you are a bit more patient I'll post a script especially designed for MG in the next days. cya. Nikiller. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites