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getArray returns string? Halp!

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so in the config i have:

sakuarray[] =
       [1201, [-0.7,0.3,-1.4]],
       [1202, [0, 0, 0]],
       [1203, [0.7,0.3,-1.4]],
       [1204, [0.7,-0.7,-1.4]],
       [1205, [-0.7,-0.7,-1.4]]

but it returns it as a bunch of strings, like ["[1201", "[-0.7", 0.3, "-1.4]"], etc

How do I turn this into a usable array? I can't separate each array into its own cfgVehicle entry because that would require a script to check for each one. The script also works on the principal of receiving an array with a non-specific number of entries. Is there something simple that I'm missing with the syntax of the array or something? Do I just make it like:

sakuarray[] =
       1201, -0.7,0.3,-1.4,
       1202, 0, 0, 0,
       1203, 0.7,0.3,-1.4,
       1204, 0.7,-0.7,-1.4,
       1205, -0.7,-0.7,-1.4

and write a few lines of code to convert that into the nested array that the script requires?

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You need to use curly braces as array start/end:

sakuarray[] =
       {1201, {-0.7,0.3,-1.4}},
       {1202, {0, 0, 0}},
       {1203, {0.7,0.3,-1.4}},
       {1204, {0.7,-0.7,-1.4}},
       {1205, {-0.7,-0.7,-1.4}}

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