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Odd Missing Texture Problem

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Problem Solved

Bad path in the rvmat (P: shouldn't be there)

Followed by some kind of ghost pbo in my mod folder's addons directory that prevented the island from being updated in the game.


I tested my island on my computer and everything was fine. I put it on my brothers and I get the following message:


Then when I hit preview it looks like:


It seemed like a missing texture but then I depboed it and it was there and I also looked at the temp bin folder and that looked fine:


I then proceeded to remove my islands from my workspace on the P drive and put them on my desktop. I fired up the game and I got the same error message. So for some reason my textures are referencing the P drive and not the textures in the folder. The odder thing is that it is only one texture that seems to be missing which makes no sense to me.

I'm assuming that this might be because of what bushlurker told me about in the other thread and that when I depbo my pbo the folders shouldn't be gsep_mosch > jsp > gsep_mosch. The problem is that everything looks normal to me. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Visitor Project Preferences Folder Textures Path:



Here is my P folder if there might be something wrong with that:


Additionally, does anyone know why when I edit my BinPbo target destination to my addons folder I can never find the pbo in there? Nothing appears. BinPbo also cannot find P drive when I run it as an administrator, is there anyway to fix that?

Edited by Jakerod

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I presume it's a wrong path issue regarding that particular ground texture

check your layers.cfg and your corresponding rvmat... and read carefully since this kind of mistake happens from time to time...


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I presume it's a wrong path issue regarding that particular ground texture

check your layers.cfg and your corresponding rvmat... and read carefully since this kind of mistake happens from time to time...


From the gsep_beach1.rvmat:


From Layers:

class gsep_beach1


texture = "jsp\gsep_mosch\data\gsep_beach1_detail_co.png";

material= "jsp\gsep_mosch\data\gsep_beach1.rvmat";


[skipping Irrelevant Lines]


Files in the Working Data folder include:







There are no problems there correct?

I don't know how I would know to fix it if there was an error though since the ingame island looks for the texture in the island's working folder. How would I go about changing the path in that case without changing where it finds it in visitor? Speaking of which, when and where do those paths get changed from the paths for in visitor to the paths for ingame?

Edited by Jakerod

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From the gsep_beach1.rvmat:



stage texture references in .rvmat's should not have a fully qualified pathname. The above should read..




Removing the 'P:' from the front and rebuilding your .pbo should fix it.

Cheers, Sy.

PS. I think one of the older versions of the O2 Material Editor used to inadvertently add the 'P:' when you used it to edit an .rvmat. Perhaps try using the latest A2 tools as I don't think it does this anymore.

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From the gsep_beach1.rvmat:



stage texture references in .rvmat's should not have a fully qualified pathname. The above should read..




Removing the 'P:' from the front and rebuilding your .pbo should fix it.

Cheers, Sy.

PS. I think one of the older versions of the O2 Material Editor used to inadvertently add the 'P:' when you used it to edit an .rvmat. Perhaps try using the latest A2 tools as I don't think it does this anymore.

It still gives the same error. I tried just switching it, no luck. Reimported my sat and mask, no luck. Deleted all the old files for my sat and mask, no luck.

I don't know if this is useful at all but I thought I would put it up in case there is something we could learn from it.

PBO Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M4GK2QHW

I opened up the rvmat and changed it to:


The top one under name still says:


but that one is fine right? Or does that one have to change to? I notice that all my other ones have that same setup too. Well I might as well post everything else here in case someone can find something in those:


	class gsep_AutumnFlowers1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.4;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.7;
	scaleMax = 1.0;

class gsep_GrassCrooked1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.7;
	scaleMax = 1.4;

class gsep_GrassCrookedGreen1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.9;
	scaleMax = 1.3;

class gsep_WeedDead1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1.1;

class gsep_stubble1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = false;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1.1;

class gsep_grassautumnbrown1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1.1;

class gsep_grassdrylong1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1.1;

class gsep_grassdrylongbunch1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1.1;

class gsep_grasstall1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.3;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1;
class gsep_stonesmallrounded1: DefaultClutter
	affectedByWind = 0.0;
	swLighting = true;
	scaleMin = 0.75;
	scaleMax = 1;


class CfgSurfaces 
class Default {};
class gsepbeach1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_beach1_*";
	 rough = 0.2;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "gravel";
	 soundHit = "soft_ground";
	 character = "Empty";
class gsepconcrete1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_concrete1_*";
	 rough = 0.1;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "grass";
	 soundHit = "concrete";
	 character = "Empty";
class gsepdirt1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_dirt1_*";
	 rough = 0.2;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "mud";
	 soundHit = "soft_ground";
	 character = "gsep_dirt1clutter";
class gsepgrass1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_grass1_*";
	 rough = 0.2;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "grass";
	 soundHit = "soft_ground";
	 character = "gsep_grass1clutter";
class gsepgrazedgrass1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_grazedgrass1_*";
	 rough = 0.2;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "grass";
	 soundHit = "soft_ground";
	 character = "gsep_grazedgrass1clutter";
class gseprock1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_rock1_*";
	 rough = 0.3;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "rock";
	 soundHit = "hard_ground";
	 character = "gsep_rock1clutter";
class gsepurban1surface : Default
	 files = "gsep_urban1_*";
	 rough = 0.1;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "gravel";
	 soundHit = "hard_ground";
	 character = "Empty";

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class gsep_dirt1clutter
class gsep_grass1clutter
class gsep_grazedgrass1clutter
class gsep_rock1clutter



class CfgPatches
class gsep_mosch
	units[] = {gsep_mosch};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.03;
	requiredAddons[] = {"Utes"};
	version = "Version .05";
	fileName = "gsep_mosch.pbo";
	author = "Jakerod";
class CfgWorlds
class CAWorld;
class Utes: CAWorld
	class Grid;
	class DefaultClutter;
class gsep_mosch: Utes
	description = "Moschnyi";
	worldName= "jsp\gsep_mosch\gsep_mosch.wrp";
	pictureShot = "jsp\gsep_mosch\data\gsep_moschnyi_image.paa";
	centerPosition[] = {2858,6384,200};
	seagullPos[] = {2858,6384,200};
		ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024}; 
		ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};
		ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
 		ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
 		drawTaxiway = 0
	longitude = 30; /// positive is east, in degrees?
	latitude = -45; /// positive is south, in degrees?

	class SecondaryAirports {};

	class Clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
	class Names
		#include "gsep_mosch.hpp"

class CfgWorldList
class gsep_mosch {};

class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes
	class gsep_moschIntro
	directory = "jsp\gsep_mosch\Data\scenes\intro.gsep_mosch";
#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

Edited by Jakerod

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So I decided "Screw it! If it can't find this texture i'll just change the texture to one that is unused but already defined in the layers and surfaces section." Take a look at what happens:

Awesome! My new texture looks pretty good here actually. (Although I don't know why the cube thing is casting three different shadows.)




The ground texture is different from buldozer to ingame. I exported the wrp. I packed the pbo. I moved the pbo into the Mod Addons Folder. I started ArmA with that mod enabled. The texture changes! (<- angry exclamation mark) I would also like to note that the only reason the texture in game is even showing up is because it is detecting the one from my P drive.

EDIT: Something is really wrong. I just replaced the mask with solid green. In buldozer it works and the texture is everywhere on the map and there is only one. When I go in game however, nothing changes. Everything is still the same way it was.

EDIT: I may have it. I think there was some kind of invisible pbo in that mod addon folder. How does that happen? I realized that nothing was changing whenever I put in a new pbo and I think the invisible one was taking over for the new ones. I deleted the folder and made a new one and it seems like at least things are changing now.

Problem Solved

Bad path in the rvmat (P: shouldn't be there)

Followed by some kind of ghost pbo in my mod folder's addons directory that prevented the island from being updated in the game after I fixed the problem.

Edited by Jakerod

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Glad to see you figured this one out Jakerod...

.rvmat path, huh? - theres just so many paths here and there and they all have to be correct...

The difficulty writing directly to the game directory\modfolder\addon thing might be caused by Windows User Account Control (UAC)... It doesn't like things writing to "protected folders" such as C:\Program Files\Anything

You could maybe try turning that off if you have it switched on


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Glad to see you figured this one out Jakerod...

.rvmat path, huh? - theres just so many paths here and there and they all have to be correct...

The difficulty writing directly to the game directory\modfolder\addon thing might be caused by Windows User Account Control (UAC)... It doesn't like things writing to "protected folders" such as C:\Program Files\Anything

You could maybe try turning that off if you have it switched on


Yeah I'm not sure how that P: got in there since none of the other ones were that way and I was just copying and pasting the same rvmat and changing one word of each line.

I'll take a look into the UAC thing thanks. I figured it was something like that and I tried to change something that dealt with similar issues of who gets control but I don't think it was that.

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Problem Solved

Bad path in the rvmat (P: shouldn't be there)

Told ya broda!!!

You remind me myself grasping and yelling about a year ago hahaha :yay:

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