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Is there a guide to moving troops and animating them for a FOB?

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I've been trying to do this for over a year, its so fucking annoying. I've kept having half made horrible FOBs. Not anymore. Everytime I get static weapons with either too high or too low on the bunkers, and my units simply doesn't move even when I put those animating commands. I've looked around this forum, but there doesn't seem to be a guide anywhere close. I've tried 3d editor, but I CAN'T FUCKING SAVE DUE TO ERRORs. Its the only time where my soldiers aren't at the top of the bunkers. And its way too hard for me to use the 2d editor. So is there a guide for making a FOB filled with soldiers acting lively?

No, this is not a troll thread.

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Hey I use a guardpost script that I got from a mission made by a guy named 101AD Richard it works great static wepons move and look around. You have to add units and waypoints for man inside the FOB to move around or use one of the many scripts to get units to move inside or outside of the FOB. You can change the partol locations within the script code to met your needs. Getting unit placement just right well that is just trail and error:)

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