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updating base class randomness :x

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So I have this addon, it is really simple from a config standpoint.

class cfgwhatever
       class Default;
       class mynewclass : Default
               mynewstuff = whatever;

super simple.


using this same code produces a few cases of "updating base class" reports in the .rpt :(

I have like 20 or 30 new classes that inherit from class Default, but 5 random ones show up in the .rpt, which I know isn't an error per-say, but is annoying to see your username in there. Its also infuriating that I can't figure out what is different about these five entries. Bis, please, what am I doing wrong?

Edited by Sakura_Chan

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a) dont change the existing class inheritance tree

b) make sure to have requiredAddons right

c) class cfgwhatever; => class cfgwhatever

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oops didn't mean for that ; to be there. It might be required addons...

---------- Post added at 03:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 AM ----------

Okay I figured it out, thanks to you. Turns out that a few of the .cpp files have calls to inherit a class from the offending config file, but didn't have the correct required addon entry. I even found an instance where 2 files were requiring each other haha. Interesting that the .rpt error just tells you what class was missing, but won't tell you who needs it.

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