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Quick question

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On the launch trailer it shows a couple of guys who are up to no good, repelling from a helicopter onto a building, I would love to know if that is possible in Multiplayer, e.g. if I was flying/hovering could a person in my helicopter be able to repel out onto a building or a ground? I would take it that that would be helicopter specific if its in there so if it is, what helicopter?

Also just randomly, can me and a friend direct connect to each other or do we need a dedicated server?


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Also just randomly, can me and a friend direct connect to each other or do we need a dedicated server?


You certainly can. In the multiplayer server list click on 'Host New Session'. Give your game a name and your friend will see it in his list. Just make sure that at the bootom left of the server list it says 'Address:Internet'. If it says 'Address:LAN' then click it and it should change to internet - you will then be able to create your game.

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