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Creating new in-game map

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Is there a way to replace any current in-game map with a customized one either by script or addon?

What I'm trying to do is provide a much less detailed Chenarus map for instance so that when one picks up the "map object" and press the M key to get to the map they see this rather than the built in one.

I'm find doing this as an Addon but would rather just do it by script if possible so that no Addon is required by the user running the mission.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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It could be done through an add-on, and would also be possible with scripting. You would need to include the description.ext (that defines the map) with each mission, if you went with scripting only. So you could either:

1. Edit the default map.

2. Make a new map defined in the description.ext, and write a key eventhandler that would display your map instead of the default one when you press "M".

What do you mean by "less detailed" btw? As far as I know you can easily remove all the icons (rocks, trees, churches) as well as the contour lines. I don't think it would be possible to remove buildings though, as they seem to be defined in their respective models.

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Sakura, do you know where I can find detailed info on doing this via description.ext?

Also, with this method that you are describing does it replace the map when you press M or are you just calling up a copy of an image and therefore no compass and mapping tools would be available? I definitely need mapping tools available so it needs to replace the current map.

By less detail I just mean I don't want it to be as accurate. Basically I'd just recreate the map myself. It is for orienteering type missions.

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