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Super low GPU usage on MP only???

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i can now sorta become the predictor for ai spawning. cos when my gpu >80% usage, there is no ai. when it drops to ~50%, prepare for a firefight! argh so irritating...

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Hey Guys, I too get this low GPU usage issue along a 10 sec lag spike on my MP server... Not an issue with GPU, server upload speed or FPS... It is very weird it starts to happen after about 40mins in the server (Domi Map) and then gets worse... I will wait for 1.60 official and I hope that clears it up...

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I haven't noticed any particular improvement for this issue in 1.60 betas...I think it's probably just a CPU bottlenecking issue somewhere.

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Its not only MP, Found out its in SP as well

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Its not only MP, Found out its in SP as well

oh no... cpu bottlenecking issue, fixed only by getting new cpu?!

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I would think I5 760 @ 4 ghz would be enough

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talked to some people online, alot have the same issue

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does this still happen with 1.60 final ?

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I'll try play some warfare tonight and take some screenies of usages and stuff.

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does this still happen with 1.60 final ?

Yeah, I've been testing the betas for quite some time and it hasn't really changed.

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well more people need report to the CIT ticket including posting theirs exact hardware/drivers combo ...

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I've been playing the project reality mod recently and always after 30-60 min my gpu usage goes down to 15-50%. I also think I get low fps if I join a pr-server if it's been running the mission that long too.

Don't know if the problem lies in the mission or something else. Because there is no AI and maybe 40-60 people playing.

The fps doesn't change whatever I do with my settings.

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Sniper- I think it may be all the custom stuff the missions running and then it kills your performance over time

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Okey but I'm still pretty sure I get this with other missions too such as domination etc. Just wanted to show that maybe the problem isn't with getting low fps because of the AI. :)

Edited by Timmoboy

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haha I know, I just made that post to bump the thread without saying "Bump" xPP! (The smart man way of saying 'bump' :rolleyes: )

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Haha sneaky ;)

I just hope that we can get some explanations on why our gpu's are acting this way. If it's a problem with our hardware, drivers etc, or maybe something in the engine/missions. =)

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I have been doing some testing and it seems its mainly AI that kill performance. AI and Cities. If you set up a firefight on chernaus or somewhere moniter your FPS. as soon as the shooting starts, your FPS dies, and your GPU usage hits the Shitter.

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well, i am getting slightly better performance after patch 1.60, and having a ssd with windows 7 64bit installed, so it can address all my 4GB ram instead of limited to 3GB. but now i encounter crashes due to too small swapfile... cant ever solve it can we?

what is your video memory setting burdy?

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I have never had the Crashes :O and I been trying Default recently, When I use Very High, the textures randomly get really blurry often

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