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Pause Game function...

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First post so a Big Hi to all!

O.K. - I'm new to ARMA2 and ToH in particular but I have a question about Pause-ing the Game...

I've searched the Forum for 'Pause' but not found anything that really helps. I'd like to know "Is there a PAUSE function that FREEZES the Game?" I don't want to exit the action - even if it's temporary. I just want to Pause the Game so that I can get an external view of the helo and take a couple of screenshots (FRAPS). I know this is a simple function in sims like FSX but can I do it in ToH.

Many thanks!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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You can do this with a flight running from the editor...

1. While flying, press ESC.

2. The press F1 to bring up the debugger.

3. type setacctime .05 in the line to the left of Exec 1

4. Press the Exec 1 button.

5. Press escape.

6. Pres Enter for external view. (You have slowed time to 5%, this might take a few seconds to register!).

7. Look around and take photos! If you don't have Track IR, use the ALT key plus the mouse to look around. Again, this is also affected by the time slowdown.

By the way, to set it back again, follow the same procedure but use 1 instead of .05.

Edited by Jedra

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Thanks, Jedra - will give that a go...

Only 2 miles from EGXP - 617 and such!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Thanks, Jedra - will give that a go...

Only 2 miles from EGXP - 617 and such!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

Yeah - and I get to see the Red Arrows practice every day (well, almost every day)!

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O.K - tried the ESC and F1 keys but no De-bugger. I'm using the standard download (via Just Flight). Is the De-bugger available with this? I understand how to get external view, but without a PAUSE function, my flight is uncontrolled - aarghh etc!!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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O.K - tried the ESC and F1 keys but no De-bugger. I'm using the standard download (via Just Flight). Is the De-bugger available with this? I understand how to get external view, but without a PAUSE function, my flight is uncontrolled - aarghh etc!!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

It will only work if you are running a game from the editor - it won't work if you are just playing one of the challenges or the campaign.

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