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total noob question..sorry already haha

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Hi all...

Im running through the training on startup and shutdown procedures for some reason i cant find "off engines" i thought it would be in the same place as when u idle throttle or set to full (below starter button,well is in this heli)...its proper buggin me that i cant find it please can someone enlighten me :)...also i cant find invert controller axis, when i say that i mean the freelook with a xbox controller its push up look up which i need the other way, yeah i can invert mouse axis to whats right for me but not controller :(...i know i know using a xbox controller stinks but im working on it :)...

Its been said before but....Killer work by BI studios once again im loving TOH !...i fly 3D RC helis so this is nice and relaxing :).. well untill u want to land perfectly then it becomes and blend of finesse sweat and spatial awareness !

Many Thanks


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I'm having the exact same problem as the OP, when i look at the throttle while its on full, i get the option to set it to idle, however after that my only other option is to turn it back onto full and i get no off option.

Other than that though the game seems absolutely awesome fun to play, great work BI!

Edit: I'm using the steam version, if that makes a difference.

Edited by Citnarf

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I had the same problem too, but I think the reason is if you use the throttle via free-look it always wants to step up, so going from off to idle to full is fine, but trying to go the other way it goes from full to idle then back to full.

I got around it by using the keyboard commands to take it down from idle to off.

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Im glad...well kinda glad someone else is having the same problem...thing is i tryed to set or use key commands "right Ctrl + E" is on, off, and automatic but if fails training soon as i stroke keys :(.

Im on the non steam version if that helps haha...

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I noticed I have to use the mouse wheel to select the proper action while looking at the throttle. This also helps with helicopters with two engines for the starters.

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I didn't realise you could use the mouse. Thanks for that tip fboes, very helpful.

I'm not at home at the moment so I can't check the keys, but I thought controlling the throttle used the 'Insert, Home, Page Up' to increase throttle and 'Delete, End and Page Down' to decrease it? I think you have to hold Ctrl or Alt as well, but I can't remember which.

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the mouse wheel option only lets me "manual trim, automatic off, distance between u and the ground and i think autohover..but what lords of the gay use that hahaha....well i do actually when i jus wunna be nosey ;0...

i hope we get more info in this thread and thanks for all info up until now many thanks guys...


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Sorry I did not made myself clear: You have to be looking right at the switch to have this extra options while using the mouse wheel.

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It was fine i did understand what u meant mate :) and tryed it looking at the switch but still didnt get the turn off option...hahha stupid little side/introduction mission giving me grief but im having sooo much fun with TOH...

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sorry fboes my bad...checked it out again when i got in and sure enough on mouse wheel while i looked at switch sorted it...thanks !

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i know its a long shot but does any1 know about inverting xbox controller with freelook in this game ?...

Edited by Dillinja

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