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Russian Tank Battalion

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Hi all,

i will create a SP-Mission with a Russian Tank Battalion, 31 Tanks T72 or T90, 1 BTR90, 1 BMP2 or 3 and 15 Trucks for Support = 135 AI.

What is the best way for this following: All Crews are at the beginning of the vehicles outside. After a trigger ( BLUFOR - EXISTING - SEVERAL TIMES ) the Crews going in the Vehicles.

After many tests i have 3 Vehicles (T90, BTR90, BMP2), its react fine. With a fourth Vehicle, a T90, the Driver is in the Tank, the another Crewmember going after Activating of the Trigger in the Tank. With five vehicles, the Crews are very bad. Vehicle 1 - 3 work OK, 4 and 5 react bad, two Crewmember remain standing outside. A Test with 8 Tanks ends very bad, the half of the Crews remain standing outside. Every Time the first 3 Vehicles and the Crews react right.

Is there a simple solution to this problem and who could help me?



Edited by schukow

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Hi... You say the crews start outside the tanks. How did you get them outside the tanks? ... are you spawning them?

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This should actually be quite easy to accomplish.

1. For each vehicle, place an empty version of each vehicle down, and give it a logical name (for example, T110 for the command vehicle of the first platoon, first company).

2. Then, place crew on the ground where you want them. Name each crewmember in a logical manner (such as T110D for the driver, T110G for the gunner, and T110C for the commander). In each individual unit's init line, type...

this assignasDriver T110 for the driver of vehicle T110, this assignasGunner T110 for the gunner of vehicle T110, and this assignasCommander T110 for the commander of vehicle T110.

...where T110 is the name of the assigned individual vehicle, as previously mentioned.

3. Then, make your board vehicle trigger. How you want it activated is down to you. In the On Act field of the trigger, have the following:

[T110D, T110G, T110C] orderGetIn true

This will cause the three crewmembers to board their tank!

This can be extended for as many vehicles as you like. Something that looks like this...

[T110D, T110G, T110C, T111D, T111G, T111C, T112D, T112G, T112C, T120D, T120G, T120C, T121D, T121G, T121C, T122D, T122G, T122C, T130D, T130G, T130C, T131D, T131G, T131C, T132D, T132G, T132C, T100D, T100G, T100C] orderGetIn true

...would be what is required for the crewmen of a Russian style tank company to board their vehicles.

Edited by James McKenzie-Smith
Correcting errors

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The first character in a unit's names must not be a digit.

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Thanks zwobot and James McKenzie-Smith for the tips. i will test it.


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Hi James McKenzie-Smith,

Is cool, like a bunch of chickens running to their tanks. :-))

thanks, it works fine under ArmA, i tested on a old Laptop, it's to old for ArmA2, but ArmA run with low Settings.

ArmA2 runs at my home

@twirly, a empty Tank and three Crewmember from the same side like the Tank. in the near of the Tank.


Edited by schukow

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