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das attorney

Adding eventHandler to joined units

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I want to be able to add an eventhandler to units that have joined the players unit after the mission has started (like in the excellent Flashpoint Missions).

I was thinking that a way to do it would be to create a global variable which is an array of units in the players group in the init.sqf. Something like this:

ARRAY_UNITS = units (group player);

and then run a script which checks every 5 minutes or so which returns an array of the new units in the players group. The eventHandler would then be added to them:

while {alive player} do

    sleep 300;

    _array_current_units = units (group player);

    _array_new_units = _array_current_units - ARRAY_UNITS;

    ARRAY_UNITS = _array_current_units;

    {_x addEventHandler ["fired", {_this spawn MY_SCRIPT}]} forEach _array_new_units;


I havent tried it, but it should work. Does anyone know if there's a better way to do this? This seems pretty clunky and also only checks every once in a while (every 5 mins in this example).

I've tried searching the forums for information on this, but I couldn't find anything helpful. I do try and solve all of my scripting problems myself, but I'm stumped on this one.


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Hey Das... do you mean join the players group as in Join In Progress in a multiplayer game.... or join as an existng soldier in the game simply joining the players group at sometime?

Edited by twirly

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The latter :)

For example, I could be playing Warfare (online or SP) and purchase a couple of AI units. As soon as they join my group, I want the eventHandler to be added to them.

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Maybe something along these lines. I did run a little test and it seemed to work fine.

private ["_group","_origunits ","_oldcount","_newcount","_i","_unit"];

_group = _this select 0;

_origunits = units _group;
_oldcount = count _origunits;
_newcount = _oldcount;

while {alive player} do {
_newcount = count units _group;
switch (_newcount > _oldcount) do {
	case true: {
		_oldcount = _newcount;
		for "_i" from 0 to (count (units _group))-1 do {
			_unit = units _group select _i;
			if (not (_unit in _origunits)) then {
				_unit addEventHandler ["fired", {_this spawn MY_SCRIPT}];
			sleep 0.01;
	case false: {
		if (_newcount < _oldcount) then {	//someone has died
			_oldcount = count units _group;
			_newcount = _oldcount;
sleep 1;

Run it on the group with:-

nul = [_group] execVM "whatever.sqf";

Edited by twirly

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Thanks for the script Twirly. I'll give it a whirl and let you know how it goes :)

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