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"Trial by Fire" helicopter related question

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(couldn't find anything about this when searching, so hopefully this is the first time anyone asks this)

I have a "Trial by Fire" helicopter related question, using arma 2 free.

How do i create a "parked" helicopter, in the beginning of the mission "Trial by fire" there is a "parked" AH-1Z on the carrier. How do i create that?

Edited by DanielV

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Select "Units" on the right side and double click on the editor map.

This will bring the unit kind of wizard menu where you can set some parameters. Place a player, then double click again on map and in the new unit wizard menu you will now have a tab called "EMPTY" inside "SIDE" combobox.

You can then select the type of vehicle to "AIR" and select the desired one, press ok.


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Thanks, thou this i already know, what i am trying to do is to make two of the rotors follow the body of the heli. Similar to when the MV-22 is "parked" (wings turned to point the same way as the body of if). I know i am a bit unclear, but you can see it in the start of the "trial by fire" mission (look at the ah-1z on the carrier, the one that doesnt take of)

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Thanks, thats exactly what i was looking for :)

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