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which .bin does this file come from?

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Having issues with the install. Can someone tell me which bin file holds the following file so that I can redownload just the corrupted bin file? I do not want to redownload everything again since it is quite a large set of downloads.

\Take On Helicopters\AddOns\south_asia_h_data_layers_01_03.pbo

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would I be able to compare them to yours? I can provide the md5 checksums for my files.

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thank you! Also noticed that they explain this in the downloads section.

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Normaly the sprocket.exe is checking the checksum of your dl files. So if you run sprocket.exe again and pointing to the downloaded files is it saying "All files are already downloaded" (or something similiar)? If not, it will be starting to dl the corrupted file again.

Edited by EagleEye[GER]

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