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Playing multiplayer?!?!?

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Okay here is my problem, i am useing gamespy arcade to play Flashpoint online, i join a game, other people join the host starts the game and the game starts up only one problem before i can connect to the server the game crashes! At first i thought it was because i was running a firewall but even after shuting it down it still crashes, i am currently running version 1.46(the latest version).

So can anyone please help me play online??

Many thanks...

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Tell us more about your system -- what OS, what connection type, what firewall, what NAT/ICS configuration if any do you have?

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Oh okay yeah sorry:

OS: WinME (Crap i know)

RAM: 256

Pentium 4 1.8 GHZ

The firewall is zone alarm.

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Does it hang, or does OFP actually crash?

If OFP crashes, I would check to make sure that you haven't run out of memory. Make sure that your virtual memory settings allow for at least 512MB of swap space. You can also check if there is a Flashpoint.rpt file in the OFP directory -- this gets written in most cases when OFP crashes, and helps trouble-shoot problems.

If your system hangs, it might still be ZoneAlarm -- it has a nasty habit of not stopping to mess with system functions even when it has been disabled. On the bright side, I never had it interfere with OFP if it was configured properly. You should be able to keep it enabled, just start OFP once with the following command-line switches, and configure ZoneAlarm when the dialog pops up:

-window -x=800 -y=600

This assumes that your desktop resolution is at least 1024x768, and will restrict OFP to an 800x600 window, which should leave the ZoneAlarm dialog visible in the lower right corner when you try to access the Internet. Once ZoneAlarm is set up, you can run OFP in full-screen mode again.

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It's probably Windows Me.My computer constantly crashed all the time when i had Windows Me, but have noticed on my laptop which came with XP home edition, didnt crash, so i ended up buying the XP home upgrde, for my desktop and now it doesnt crash any more, and havent had one yet in 3 months. smile.gif

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