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Annoying Vehicle Bug (game-breaker)

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:( <--- me...

Sometimes I'm experiencing an annoying bug with vehicles that totally screws up my gameplay. The way I can describe it is this... imagine that you get into a vehicle and it's stuck with the throttle wide open and steering 100% left. Let's say I get in a car... immediately it takes off and turns left sharply. It will just go in wild left-hand circles. If I try to steer right, it goes straightish... if I try to reverse it just stops. It does this for every vehicle I try: cars, trucks, APCs, tanks, choppers, etc...

Has anyone experienced this? Is there anything I can do about it? It happens sometimes and even a full system reboot won't stop it. Then it will mysteriously go away! :mad:

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Configure your yoysticks in control options you might have doubled axis and input and wrong assigned axis too. And remeber 90% off all issues here are user related because there is not enough rtfm. I advise you to make good setups for every unit class, it's worth it to take a hour to get ir right. Also increase axis authority...default is only 0.5 values up to 2 work better.l

Edited by Beagle

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Yeah I have. If you go into Vehicle settings there is an option for "car more right" and "car more left" both assigned to the mouse. Delete these assignments. I leave mine empty and no longer experience the problem. At least for the steering troubles.

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Hyper, I tried your suggestion but it didn't seem to be working. I was still getting the bug. It's gone away again. Let's hope you're right and it never comes back!

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I know the extra mouse input always gave me steering troubles but not acceleration. Maybe there is another control setting that is giving conflict?

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I know the extra mouse input always gave me steering troubles but not acceleration. Maybe there is another control setting that is giving conflict?

There could be... Does ARMA have a debug console that might display such info? Is there a debug command line we can pass to the app that might give us some insight?

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Weird... I plugged in my joystick and reset the keymappings for all the controls: problem gone.

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Not weird mate, you probably enabled / disabled something without realising it.

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