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Is continuous trim going to be added?

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I am pretty sure if I recall correctly in the CP there was continuous trim feature, meaning you set your trim, then you could add more trim over what you did already if you wanted... But so far I only see release trim, and sometimes fine tuning is needed, and a helluva a lot easier then going back to haywire controls to get it right.....

Feedback on this please :D

Also, those of us who have trim dials on our throttles never seem to get a feature to support that.. will those ever be featured? i think i have 6 games and none trim to that...

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I made trim work on one of my hats. And I put the release trim on a hat too. Just bind the joystick hat direction to the trim.

One problem though, you have to click it multiple times to make it work. Holding it does not seem to add more trim beyond the first click.


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So, i think changing the dead space in the game config for controller rotary helped. but i did need to band the rotary's d on 33% (roll left), nothing on 67%, a on 100% (roll right) (in saitek x65f software) and it appears to work....

Edited by sarcasticpcgamer

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