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stopping ai wounded units

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Hello everyone !

I have noticed that when my ai squad members are wounded they go prone and continue to follow my commands (i.e. "all, advance). Is there a way (script into the init file) to check if an ai is wounded ad prevent him from moving (or issue any other command, for example findcover, only for that or those wounded units ?).

Thank you very much !

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Usually I deactivate the crouching with the help of canStand and setHit

Either with triggers:

* multiple activation
* condition: (alive unit) and !(canstand unit)
* activation: unit setHit ["legs", 0]

Or with eventhandlers in the init-lines:

this addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setHit ["legs", 0] }];
this addEventHandler ["Dammaged", {(_this select 0) setHit ["legs", 0] }];

The units still take normal damage. They just still can walk on when their legs are hit.

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