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Binarize always crashing w/ WRP file

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So, I've been working on a simple island and it works fine in buldozer - sat and mask load up, looks good. I then decided to place a few objects on the map and try to populate things. Got some trees in and they work fine. However, I added some buildings and did a clutter config, and now Binarize crashes every time with binpbo. I figure the objects might have some issues, so I erased all the objects. Nope, Binarize still crashes. Ok, sat or mask must be FUBAR, redo those. Nope, Binarize still crashes. Ok then, maybe my OA viewer isn't doing it right, switch to A2. Nope, Binarize still crashes. Ok, config messed up, go back to old iteration. Nope, Binarize still crashes.

I'm not sure what the deal is as to why it'd work fine earlier but now crashes constantly, even after I've reverted to a previous state. There's something in the WRP file that is ticking Binarize off, but I don't know what, and I'm at a loss since Buldozer runs and works fine whether its A2 or OA exe. I'm not sure what else to try since Binarize suddenly decided to turn into a bitch.

ETA: Messed around with the config, now it complained about an error in config, but binarizes anyways? Will post back here if I find out what the problem was.

Edited by Franze

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Did you use rapify/makeobo/eliteness from mikero to make sure you have no errors in the config?

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Well, Eliteness pipes up with an error on line 150 - but I only have 88 lines in the config.

ETA: Well, it was a simple error this time around, I had CfgWorlds twice. Taking it out removed config errors; however, it seems my initial problem was - for some reason - the lack of configuration for weather conditions. Using Utes config as a reference, I put in the parts for inheriting the weather configuration from Utes. Binarize ran with no issue this time around.

Bizarre, as earlier there were no configurations for weather and Binarize didn't care then.

Edited by Franze

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... were you maybe previously defining your terrain as a subclass of a BIS one - so it was inheriting weather conditions, and therefore wasn't whining about the lack of them.... then that somehow got changed during the cfgWorlds mixup, whereupon you weren't inheriting weather anymore and therefore it wanted it's own definition....

just a wild guess going by the sequence of evidence.... still - as long as it's working now...


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The only thing that initially changed in config was clutter definitions and airport configs; CfgWorlds wasn't changed nor the inherits. Even when going back to the unmodified config, Binarize still crashed, which is why it's so bizarre that simply changing how it gets the Utes inherits would make it work properly.

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