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Scripted cutscene

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I know how to do scripted cutscenes but when i set target on the chopper it always does a fly-by. How can I use the script to make the camera stay w/ the chopper?

_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

where it says internal, would I just have to change it to something else?


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If I understand properly you want the Camera to take a permanent relative position to the helo:

_time = 0



_cam CamSetTarget helo

_cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z]

_cam CamCommit 0

_time = _time + 0.025

? (_time > 5) : goto "End"

goto "Update"



This will stick to the chopper until the "time" value is reached.

I know sometimes its really difficult to find what you need. There are some great scripting tuts out there. Hope this helped.

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_time = 0



_cam CamSetTarget helo

_cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z]

_cam CamCommit 0

_time = _time + 0.025

? (_time > 5) : goto "End"

goto "Update"



_time = 0



_cam CamSetTarget helo

_cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z]

_cam CamCommit 0

_time = _time + 0.025

? (_time > 5) : goto "End"

goto "Update"


where do i put this in realation to the camcommits and settargets?

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The script could look like this (don't know all commands by heart, you need to look them up!wink.gif

1. First create the camera with the camcreate order

_Cam = Camcreate "Cam" [x,y,z]

2. Then give it at desired effect:

_cam CameraEffect ["Internal","Back"]

3. If you like give it a target:

_cam Camsettarget helo

4. Most important is committing the cam (i.e. let the given

orders get into effect!wink.gif.

_cam Camcommit 0

_cam = camcreate "cam" [x,y,z]

_cam CameraEffect ["Internal","Back"]

_cam CamSetTarget helo

_cam CamCommit 0

This bit creates the _cam Camera (other IDs possible; multiple Cams like in a real Film Studio! he, he). It is necessary to once create the cam. Afterwards the setpos command will do for repositioning.

Then you can run the small Update routine that I posted before.


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