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Question about moving markers around

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I have run into a problem, this is my first attempt trying to randomize spawn positions.

I get a Zero Divisor error in this script.

Could a kind soul point me in the right direction on how to solve this, feel free to point out any errors you find. :)

I can move objects around just fine, and I can move around the editor placed "active area" marker without any problems.

I know a bit of basic C++ if that helps someone to explain my error.


// nul = execVM "scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf";

if(!isServer) exitWith {};

// an array containing spawn markers
_spawnMark = ["mrk1", "mrk2", "mrk3", "mrk4", "mrk5", "mrk6", "mrk7", "mrk8"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_resetMarkPos = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0, getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1];  

// moves the spawn marker a bit for a more random position
_newSpawnPos = [(getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0 + (random (round 200))), (getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1 + (random (round 200))), 0];
_spawnMark setPos _newSpawnPos;

// creation of militia group at spawn marker
_taki1 = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
_taki1 join grpNull;
_takiGrp1 = creategroup EAST;
_taki1 join _takiGrp1;

// makes the group defend their spot
[group _takiGrp1, getPos _takiGrp1] call bis_fnc_taskDefend;

// moves the active area marker to a close random position
"Active area" setpos [getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0 + (random (round 120)), getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1 + (random (round 120)), 0];

sleep 0.1;

spawnMarker = _spawnMark;

// returns the spawnmarker to original position
_spawnMark setpos [getMarkerPos _resetMarkPos select 0, getMarkerPos _resetMarkPos select 1, 0];
sleep 0.1;

// creates a trigger that runs this script again when the previous group has been destroyed
_trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getMarkerPos _spawnMark];
_trg setTriggerArea[2000,2000,0,false];
_trg setTriggerActivation["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false];
_trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Area Clear'; nul = execVM "scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf";", "deleteGroup _takiGrp1;"];

if(true) exitWith{};

Edited by AndroidSpawn

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Not sure if this is your problem, but try this...

_trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Area Clear'; nul = execVM 'scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf';", "deleteGroup _takiGrp1;"];

And you really shouldn`t use names of variables with empty spaces.. so rename "Active area" to "ActiveArea"...


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// moves the spawn marker a bit for a more random position
_newSpawnPos = [(getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0 + (random (round 200))), (getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1 + (random (round 200))), 0];
_spawnMark [color="Red"]setPos[/color] _newSpawnPos;

You must use setMarkerPos to change the position of markers.

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Thank you both, the marker issue seems to be resolved.

Ok, I got it to work a few extra () and a few other changes did it.

// nul = execVM "scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf";

if(!isServer) exitWith {};

// an array containing spawn markers
_spawnMark = ["mrk1", "mrk2", "mrk3", "mrk4", "mrk5", "mrk6", "mrk7", "mrk8"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_resetMarkPos = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0, getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1];  

// moves the spawn marker a bit for a more random position

_newSpawnPos = [((getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0) + (random 200)), ((getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1) + (random 200)), 0];
_spawnMark setMarkerPos [ _newSpawnPos select 0, _newSpawnPos select 1, 0];

// creation of militia group at spawn marker
_taki1 = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

// makes the group defend their spot
[_taki1, getMarkerPos _spawnMark] call bis_fnc_taskDefend;

// moves the active area marker to a close random position
"ActiveArea" setMarkerPos [(_newSpawnPos select 0) + (random (round 120)), (_newSpawnpos select 1) + (random (round 120)), 0];

sleep 0.1;

spawnMarker = _spawnMark;

// returns the spawnmarker to original position
_spawnMark setMarkerPos [_resetMarkPos select 0, _resetMarkPos select 1, 0];
sleep 0.1;

// creates a trigger that runs this script again when the previous group has been destroyed
_trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getMarkerPos _spawnMark];
_trg setTriggerArea[2000,2000,0,false];
_trg setTriggerActivation["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false];
_trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Area Clear'; nul = execVM 'scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf';", "deleteGroup _taki1;"];

if(true) exitWith{};

Edited by AndroidSpawn
Added the code that seems to work

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