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excute waypoint of other after being killed?

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how can I put a lot of soldiers, one can execute some moves, if he die or flee, another begin to execute them, without complex scripting??:rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

I am using one trigger by "guarded by west" and two soldiers with two wp "guard",

if the first die, the second don't take his place??

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I am using one trigger by "guarded by west" and two soldiers with two wp "guard",

if the first die, the second don't take his place??

That should work, but it takes a little time for the other guy to take notice of the other one being dead. Wait a little while and he should then take his place.

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you're right! thanks a lot!!

(normally with acctime, he kill me after going there, because I kill the other) crazy!!

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until here, it's ok!

but how to desactivate it, and make return to his first wp "guard",

that work only if he flee??:confused:

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

euh, so, I explain myself,

how to break the guard with new wps after x time of guarding,:rolleyes:

because the soldier don't seem excute them when placed after a "guard" wp;

he go to the trigger and stand there;

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Use a "switch" trigger (it can be chosen from triggers type menu), and synchronize the guard WP with it.

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don't want to be bothering, but he just stand to the wp "guard" without going to the trigger, I don't know what to do, I'm lost:j:

(certainly that switch break loops, but how to use it)

---------- Post added at 11:53 ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 ----------

no answers!!:eek:

this is what I need:

that the soldiers with "guard" wp, move to the trigger with type "guarded by".

and stay for a while. They return back to their "guard" wp and new ones take the role.

Normally, they leave only if they flee, can't be done with timing, and say, they leave in 60s.

please help!

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the switch, just sinchronized with waypoint, make the ai stop at "guard" without going to the trigger, that why doesn't working. that brok the "guard" definitively for the next wp.


---------- Post added at 16:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:52 ----------


we will start from new:

make soldier with "guard" wp, a "guarded by" trigger, linked to a vehicle,

if the vehicle move, the soldier don't follow, can someone make it??:cool:

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