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Question about 'Taskhint'

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I can't seem to understand why my taskhints look like this:

taskhint ["New Task Assigned:\nTask Title 1", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskNew"]


instead of like this:


There is no background box around my text. All the tutorials for taskhints wind up like the latter image. Is a dialog being created with these or am i missing something?

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Thank you for the quick response. I used that method and it works, however i still dont have the background box around the text. i can't quite understand why.

I put this on a trigger after defining the task OBJ1 in briefing.sqf. It show up as complete, but still no box around the message.

OBJ1 settaskstate "succeeded";

nul = [objNull, ObjNull, OBJ1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

Edited by Chibi-Alien
more information added

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Oops... you're right.

However, after 5 sec of google i found this:


This should be what you're looking for. :)


There is no box either. :confused: Now im a bit confused. Seems like they changed the taskHint with Arrowhead. I'll dig around in the ArmA2 files now :D


Yep that's it. When launching ArmA2 without Arrowhead there's the box.

Arrowhead is overwriting this. I'm afraid you cannot get that box without creating a dialog on your own (which is not easy) :(

Edited by sxp2high

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Oops... you're right.

However, after 5 sec of google i found this:


This should be what you're looking for.

Again, thank you for the quick response(s). That is the page that got me thinking on why i have no background. Thats script is a way of checking the status of a task so that when that status changes, a taskhint displaying the status is shown. I used his sample mission and my taskhints still come out like the picture i posted above. Do your taskhints have backgrounds whenever you use a taskhint. b/c im starting to think it has something to do with my game settings.

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I was digging around in the ArmA2 files but i couldn't find anything related. Arrowhead is simply overwriting the taskHint command with the new UI. Maybe someone else has an idea? The one with the box is certainly better looking. But i have no idea how to bring it back in Arrowhead. Sorry. :(

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Pretty sure the first style is OA and the bottom style is A2.

Well thats pretty bummy. I just launched ArmA 2 w/o OA and yup you two are correct. *sigh* it just looks so meh without that box IMO. Anyway, thanks very much for your help gentlemen. especially to you kylania, your site has taught me a great deal.

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