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Script request (Artillery and Mortar)

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Hello, like the title said, i want someone to take their time and make me an artillery and mortar script for me, heres some info of what i want:

- I want similar stuff for both

- Request using addaction, "Request artillery support" and "Request mortar support". Both in orange.

- Opens a menu with map and click/open map manually and click to call in

- I want all chats about the arty or mortar to be in side (blue).

- I want to make it so i can easily pick what players i want to have it by placing this for example. this = AddAction *********************; or however it is.

- I want you to only have a certain limit. (Which i can edit myself?) 14 for Artillery and 18 for Mortar.

- Times between each barrage, Artillery 120 seconds Mortar 80 seconds. (Maybe editable too?)

If someone with a heart of gold could take their time to help a poor helpless young mission maker, i would really appriciate it! :)

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Using the simple support module will not be activated the way i want. SSM use communication, i want it to be like when you scroll you have the action. What would the world have been without optimism?

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