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any script to make vehicle reverse ?

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hi, I want to know if there is any script to make a vehicle go reverse, without turning. thanks !

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Play around with setVelocity. I don't think it'll give you the reversing lights, but it'll make you go backwards. Backwards anywhere from -1 to -1000 ;)

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I don't think the wheels will turn either with setVelocity and it probably won't look very natural.

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The wheels will be fine but the engine will sound wrong.

The problem is getting the direction right you'll have to do some maths unless you just want it to move N,S,E,W.

Place code in the init.

0=[] spawn {while {alive tank} do { tank setvelocity [2,0,0];sleep 0.001;}}

Probably easier just attach one tank to another rotated 180degres and make the first one invisible . You'll have engine sounds and it will work as I did it a while back.

Place waypoint on the invisible tank and remove fuel from the visible one.

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