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Controls in dialog

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how do you make dialog that has controls in it?

my controls are now across the main screen, i hope u know what i mean?

Basically im trying to create movable window with controls.


why doesnt this make a button that can be pressed?: (its looks like flat control and nothing happens when u click it)

  class CloseButton : RscButton {

		x = 0.80;
		y = 0.90;
 			w = 0.1;
		h = 0.05;

text = "Close";
action = "closeDialog 0";

Edited by rrr44

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Here is an example from one of my dialogs:

idd = 897898;
movingEnable = true;
onLoad = "TOUR_DMC_createUnitMenuActive = true; [] spawn TOUR_DMC_fnc_createUnitOnLoad;";
onUnload = "TOUR_DMC_createUnitMenuActive = false; [] spawn TOUR_DMC_fnc_createUnitCancel";

class controlsBackground
		idc = 0;
		colorBackground[] = TOUR_DMC_COLOR_BACKGROUND;
		x = "safeZoneX + (safeZoneW / 5)";
		y = "safeZoneY + (safeZoneH / 7)";
		w = "safeZoneW / 2";
		h = "safeZoneH / 1.5";
		moving = true;

class objects 


class controls 
		idc = 1;
		x = "safeZoneX + (safeZoneW / 4.5)";
		y = "safeZoneY + (safeZoneH / 4.5)";
		w = "safeZoneW / 5";
		h = "safeZoneH / 40";
		sizeEx = 0.025;
		size = 0.025;
		onLBSelChanged  = "[] call TOUR_DMC_fnc_fillFactionCombo";

As you can see the controls are created inside of the display (the first class bit), this also means the controls can be moved around by clicking and dragging the background with them. As for the problem with the button, have you got an RscButton class defined in your description.ext? This is because it isnt loaded as a resource by default, you have to manually create it in a mission and load it before you can inherit from that class.

Hope that helped at least a little bit, even if it was just example code :P

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Well I finally got around trying it but managed only to make dialog with one label and button that cannot be clicked.

For some reason the background doesnt appear either.

can any one tell whats wrong?

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define FontM             "Zeppelin32"

class RscBackground
idc = -1;
default = false;
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.03;
colorText[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
colorFocused[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 };   // border color for focused state
colorDisabled[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0.7 };   // text color for disabled state
colorBackground[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0.8 };
colorBackgroundDisabled[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5 };   // background color for disabled state
colorBackgroundActive[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };   // background color for active state
offsetX = 0.003;
offsetY = 0.003;
offsetPressedX = 0.002;
offsetPressedY = 0.002;
colorShadow[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 };
colorBorder[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
borderSize = 0;
soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 };  // no sound
soundPush[] = { "buttonpushed.ogg", 0.1, 1 };
soundClick[] = { "", 0, 1 };  // no sound
soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 };  // no sound
 x = 0.0;
 y = 0.0;
 w = 1.0;
 h = 1.0;


class RscCombo;

class RscText
 type = CT_STATIC;
 idc = -1;
 style = ST_LEFT;

 x = 0.0;
 y = 0.0;
 w = 0.3;
 h = 20;
 sizeEx = 0.03;

 colorBackground[] = {1,0,0, 1};
 colorText[] = {1,0,2, 1};
 font = FontM;

 text = "";

class RscButton {
idc = -1;
type = CT_BUTTON;
style = ST_LEFT;
default = false;
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.03;
colorText[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
colorFocused[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 };   // border color for focused state
colorDisabled[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0.7 };   // text color for disabled state
colorBackground[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.8 };
colorBackgroundDisabled[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5 };   // background color for disabled state
colorBackgroundActive[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };   // background color for active state
offsetX = 0.003;
offsetY = 0.003;
offsetPressedX = 0.002;
offsetPressedY = 0.002;
colorShadow[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 };
colorBorder[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
borderSize = 0;

 soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.2, 1};
 soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.2, 1};
 soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.2, 1};
 soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.2, 1};

x = 0.4; y = 0.475;
w = 0.2; h = 0.05;
text = "Close";
action = "closeDialog 0; hint ""Dialog closed. You are good to go now!""";

movingEnable = true;

class controlsBackground
	class backgroundAkg : RscBackground 
		idc = 0;
		//colorBackground[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0.8 };
		borderSize = 1;
		moving = true;

class objects 


class controls 
 class ButtonControl : RscButton {
   idc = -1;
  // type = 1;
   style = ST_LEFT;
 //  moving = false;
   x = 0.45;
   y = 0.4;
   h = 0.05;
   w = 0.1;

text = "Test";
type = CT_BUTTON;

   font = "Zeppelin32";
   sizeEx = 0.025;

action = "hint ""test""";

class AttrLabel : RscText {
 type = CT_STATIC;
 idc = -1;
 style = ST_LEFT;
 colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
 colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
 font = FontM;
 sizeEx = 0.04;
 h = 0.04;
 text = "Label:";

 x = 0.3;
 w = 0.3;


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