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Takistani civilians un-usable for scenes

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I don't think I have ever had so many problems with civilians acting stupid like I am having now.

Just trying to make an intro, with only Takistani Civilians placed on the map, my units a Taki Civilian, but as soon as the intro preview starts with the cam on, nearly every Civilian is acting like under extream duress, crouching down, fleeing, diving out of vehicles that should be driving round to create some ambience etc.

Things seem to be going from bad to worse regarding civilians.

Even tried placing 0% presence unit of all sides and grouping the Civs to make them either blufor, opfor, Inde and nothings working.

I really hope this is improved 10 fold for Arma 3.

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if purpose is to just have them walk around in the intro, just make them all captive:

{_x setCaptive true} foreach allUnits;

also setting down their skill might help aswell:

{_x setSkill 0} foreach allUnits;

and make use of the disableAI commands aswell if needed.

also the betas have disableFSM command or something like it, wich stops AI danger fsms but effects are unknown to me, its beta so...

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Are there any enemies around? Set resistance to be friendly to both BLUFOR and OPFOR in the mission settings; this will make civilians not feel threatened by units from both sides.

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Thanks Demonized I will give that a try :)

@ST_Dux: Just Civilians, nothing else.

The plan was to have quite a tranquil scene of daily life going on in a small Takistani Village, people out shopping, buses dropping people off, cars driving to work etc, but with how the civilians are behaving, I was considering having heavy Artillery strikes, Jet fighters screaming overhead and mass executions happening in the streets to justify the civilian behaviour :rolleyes:

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Try the following on every civilian:

this setUnitPos "UP";this forceWalk true

That should keep them looking "civilian-like."

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I know from past experience the unitpos dosen't work on civilians, never tried the forcewalk though :)

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