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Two questions

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I tried looking all over the forums and cannot seem to find what I am looking for. I built a FOB and don't want it to be destroyed by random helicopter crashes etc, and I am also trying to figure out how to make it so that the ALICE and other similar modules don't spawn anything within said FOB. Thank you for your time.

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You could write

this allowDamage false;

in every objects init of your FOB.

Not sure, if there's a blacklist for ALICE, but for SILVIE you could use

BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable 

Just write the objects classnames into the blacklist and no cars get spawned there.

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Can I make like a trigger or something to establish like a box that can't be damaged? Or is it a per item only basis?

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If you just want objects to remain undamaged some thing like this should work.

Place a game logic in the center of the FOB name center

Place the following in a trigger with a slight delay so it activates after the base has fully spawned

items =NearestObjects [center, [], 50];{_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]} foreach items;

That will prevent every thing from being damaged including vehicles.

You can filter that to allow some damage to some items and not others.

items =NearestObjects [center, ["buildings"], 50];{_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]} foreach items;

Will only stop buildings from being destroyed.

The radius 50 will need to be adjusted to fit the FOB.

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It gives an error. invalid number in expression. nm I just had to take the s off of items. works great thanks!

Edited by MikeJHunter

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It gives an error. invalid number in expression. nm I just had to take the s off of items. works great thanks!

Yes that can be any name as it's just a variable, items is a reserved command so that's why it failed.

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