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Have received a problem when putting some DAC Camps into my mission which is related to the following script call check from the DAC_Config_Camps.sqf.

Default {

if(DAC_Basic_Value != 5) then


DAC_Basic_Value = 5;publicvariable "DAC_Basic_Value";

hintc "Error: DAC_Config_Camps > No valid config number";


if(true) exitwith {};



Can someone who knows a bit about scripting explain to me what this means please. :(

Many thanks.

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Without knowing more details, the above code suggests to me that you're using a config value that does not exist, you should either create one in the relevant config, or use one that does exist. My config shows that 1,2,3,4 are good values.

The above code is executed if an invalid config is used, "default" means "any switch value that does not exist". It looks like a global monitoring variable "DAC_Basic_Value" is set to "5" and an error message generated.

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