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Anyone ever completed "convoy"?

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I'v gotta do that sometime when i get back (i'm takin off for a week) so i can see why that damn PBR doesnt move mad.gif

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The official "Plissken Patented" strategy.

1. Get an M21 and LAW.

2. Watch the fireworks as your convoy gets it.

3. Clean house with the M21.

4. Ehh, can't remember the rest. It was ages ago.

I beat the mission, but I think it involved many loads, retries, and Max Payne style bullet dodges.

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Just played this damn mission agian and I still get put in prison. Whats going on?!

Here's what I do:

1. I hang back from convoy as it gets ambushed. Shoot a few soldiers and drive back to Lamentin when I get the radio message. (I don't hang around .. I just shoot the ones I see then drive off)

2. I deploy my squad at the southern road like i'm told. Take out the T-72 and the squad that follows it. Oh yeah and I took out the hind with the Vulcan.

3. ....nothing happens

4. ....nothing happens

5. I decided to drive up the road towards Le Moule too see if there are any strays. I found one on the roadside by the tree's and killed him. Then about 300m up the road I get the "I see T-80's.. i dunno if i can hold" message follwed by someone saying there is boat on the way.

6. I take command of Lamentin and get a "Home sweet home" waypoint. Few mins later along comes 2 T-80's, I managed to take them out after nearly getting run over. Then it puts a red cross over "Hold southern road" objective, when infact I've held it.

7. ....nothing happens..

8. ..So I find that boat and get my squad in it. There is not enough room for me so I tell one of my squad to kill the last man. I get in and....

9....nothing happens...

10. The boat driver does not move, so I'am forced to get out and shoot him and the gunner. I drive the boat to the "Home sweet home" waypoint at the hospital and the notepad comes up. Gives me gold stars but says i've failed and will be put in jail!!!!!! WTF?? mad.gifconfused.gif

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a couple of things i have found with this mission that can help though im not as far as mucking about with the software.

is always take a law launcher and binos when the mission begins

when ambushed put your 5t truck behind trees on right hand side...join firefight...then ride truck back to lamentin

when you get back to lamentin dont report back to the officer immediately.

assign 2 of your men to the vulcan and send that to the trees at the back of the town so it is out of the way of fire from tanks etc.

assign all but 2 of your men you have left to the m2 emplacements

the 2 remaing men 1 being a soldier equiped with a law the other with a law/gustav to the northwest of the village

then report

repel ruskies /shot down hind

after battle litter the roads into village with mines.

soon after you take charge. at this point you may even have a bradley if you do... direct it to the the back of the village out of the way

the mines should deal with t80s

then it is a case of loading up with ammo for the laws/gustav mounting the vehicles and making your way to the first aid posts.....if you have the bradley it is great fun shooting your way thro...but dont try taking on t80s without first dismounting your AT troops to soften it up

this is all providing the triggers work and your not sat there for ever awaiting the t80s (i have left the game in this state for 12 hrs it got very dark)

perhaps someone can tell me where i am going wrong commanding the bradley....i cant seem to look around i only seem to be able to use it from the extenal view where in the abrams the commander can rotate so having a 360 view

it would be more fun from inside

shoot me and i will bleed alot

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Hi phorum peeps .. this is my first visit here and i'm glad to discover I'm not going crazy after all smile.gif

I havent looked in any files or anything and do not know what people are talking about hospitals and vulcans, or get away ships (?)... is this the same "convoy" mission in the Campaign mode?

Anyway, after several court martials I got the convoy to the airbase, it said objective completed, well done, it was harder than we expected but the mission was a success.. scored a measly 8000pts and got 1 silver pip. Then when I clicked the Continue button it just went back to the main screen. Is that it, end of game? Are there any more Campaign missions after the Convoy.. if yes what is next?

Thanks to all the posters, now I've found this board there's lots of juicy stuff to read up on!


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whoa, i'm really out to lunch eheh..

okay found AVON's faq and am getting the help i need.. thanks Avon, great site, keep up the good work!


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