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[GLT] Legislator

Alter the M270 and BM21 artillery range

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I would like to alter the range of the M270 and the BM-21 Grad configwise to make it usable on smaller maps like Utes, Proving Grounds and The Desert via Artillery Module. Sadly, this thread didn't really help me.

So far I was able to alter the turret configuration for the artillery computer. However this doesn't effect the AI when using the artillery module. The AI still needs a very long distance to the target which is simply not possible on small maps.

By now I think it's somehow config-related but I really don't have any clue what to alter anymore to change it.

Here's the code for the changes of the turret configuration / artillery computer. This works so far.

class MLRS: Tank {
	class Turrets: Turrets {

		class MainTurret: MainTurret {
			weapons[] = {"MLRS"};
			magazines[] = {"12Rnd_MLRS"};
			gunnerAction = "HMMWV_Cargo01";
			gunnerInAction = "HMMWV_Cargo01";
			gunnerGetInAction = "GetInHigh";
			gunnerGetOutAction = "GetOutHigh";
			commanding = 1;
			minElev = -4.500000;
			maxElev = 85;
			initElev = 0;
			startEngine = 0;

			class Turrets {
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Weapons\optika_empty";
			gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\Weapons\optika_empty";
			stabilizedInAxes = 0;
			lockWhenVehicleSpeed = 5;

Thank you to anyone who might be able to help.

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