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How to force AAA gun

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Hi i have problem i'm trying to force Flakvierling (from reyhard WW2 mod) to shot invisible target on the sky (effect like on D-Day )

I have written my first script (I supported on one of the script from I44) but infantry is shotting to this dummy targets

Here is my script

_vehicle = _this select 0
_targetArray = [wal,wal_1,wal_2,wal_3,wal_4]
_number = Random count _targetArray
? ((_number mod 1) >= 0.5): _number = _number + 1
_number = _number - (_number mod 1)
_position = _targetArray select _number
_vehicle doTarget _position
_vehicle doFire _position

if someone could help me to change this script to don't need to use the dummy targets

wal, wal_1, wal_2... are the dummy target's


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Hi i have problem i'm trying to force Flakvierling (from reyhard WW2 mod) to shot invisible target on the sky (effect like on D-Day )

I have written my first script (I supported on one of the script from I44) but infantry is shotting to this dummy targets

Here is my script

_vehicle = _this select 0
_targetArray = [wal,wal_1,wal_2,wal_3,wal_4]
_number = Random count _targetArray
? ((_number mod 1) >= 0.5): _number = _number + 1
_number = _number - (_number mod 1)
_position = _targetArray select _number
_vehicle doTarget _position
_vehicle doFire _position

if someone could help me to change this script to don't need to use the dummy targets

wal, wal_1, wal_2... are the dummy target's


It is possible to don't use any addons.

Here's a script to do what you want. It works with any AA gun/armored addon gun included. I think it should work with statics like MG or mortar but I didn't tested.


{[_x] exec "aa_fire.sqs"} forEach nik_shilka



;AA Fire Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Force AA to fire in the sky
;contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
;[unitName] exec "aa_fire.sqs"

~1+random 3

_u = _this select 0

if (local _u) then {} else {goto "ende"}

_u setBehaviour "COMBAT"
_gunner=gunner _u
_m=(magazines (_u) select 0)

if ((alive _u) && (alive _gunner)) then {} else {goto "ende"}
_aim=getPos _u
_ax=_aim select 0
_ay=_aim select 1
_az=_aim select 2
_u doWatch [(_ax)-10+random 20,(_ay)-10+random 20,(_az)-5+random 5]
_u fire (weapons (_u) select 0)
if (someAmmo _u) then {goto "l"}

if (alive _u) then {_u removeMagazines _m; _u addMagazine _m; goto "l"}



Here's a demo to show how it works.




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