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KC Grimes

Simulate surviving heli crash

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So I discovered months ago that you could fake "surviving" a helicopter crash by allowDamage falsing somebody inside the helicopter. The heli would explode, but the person would still be intact and even able to Get Out.

But for whatever reason, this is not working for me anymore. May be fixed in a beta, I'm not sure, but does anybody have any ideas on how else to do this or if I am doing something wrong?

Also, are you able to use allowDamage and damage event handlers in the same mission? I've heard they conflict, but have also heard they don't.

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From the Biki:


This command only works locally and must be run on all machines to have global affect.

Or just FRAPS it and play it back with PMC's video embed thing. ;)

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If I allowDamage falsed a pilot in the editor, is that global or just server?

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Huh. Wonder why it isn't working. Well I just used a handledamage event handler and its all good now.

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