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Mission won't load with custom unit config and linux CO dedicated server

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Hi everyone,

I don't post much, and don't config much since OFP, but I was making a small custom config for private use based on the BIS Delta force units. It works fine locally, but it won't work on the linux dedicated server. I've checked the log file, no errors, just won't go into the multiplayer mission screen.

This is the config file, I've looked at it countless times, can't really see anything that could cause it to work fine locally and not at all on the dedicated server.

I use pboview to pack the pbo, and I don't binarize the config.cpp


If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear about it.

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Is it Binarised properly?

No errors?

Your "Patches" looks like it might need to be simplified

class CfgPatches
class L3eSoldiers
	units[] = {"L3eBAFSniper","L3eDeltaTrooper","L3eDeltaGrenadier", etc etc etc};
	requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters"};  //to avoid enlisting addon in every new mission
	requiredVersion = 1.0;

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I expressly didn't binarize, as it's just for own use. I'll give that a try. I'll also modify the cfgpatches and try that. I'll report on the results.

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I expressly didn't binarize

BIS provided the tool for a reason. Certain feature of the engine DO NOT work properly with unbinarized packages.

BinPBO only takes 5 seconds to do it for you ...... and will tell you about errors!

Maybe linux doesn't like unbinarized. Just speculating.

Linux also doesn't like special characters (in file names for example) and mismatch references between upper and lower case characters at times.

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I'll give it a try.

I haven't noticed any problems without binarizing before, I also had a modded config for vanilla arma 2, that worked fine with my own missions with the vanilla arma 2 dedicated linux server, though I must admit those same missions exhibit the same problem with the arma 2 co/oa dedicated linux server as my new missions do even though they run fine on the vanilla dedi.

I've had already removed that pbo from the co/oa server before my first posting though to rule it out for this new mission, but I can't even get a completely empty zargabad with just one modded unit and nothing else in it to load on the dedi.

But seeing as I'm stumped I'll certainly give it a go.

Thanks for the help so far. At least I'm happy it's not a "you idiot it's a simple so and so that has been discussed many times solution".

I dream of the day that you can edit a mission directly on a dedicated server.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

I've taken the steps above, simplified cfgpatches as suggested and packed and binarized with binpbo, restarted the dedi. No difference.

I'm trying to think what else I can try, but I'm out of ideas for the moment.

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Next permutation is that packing a addon-free mission with BinPbo makes it not work under the dedicated combined ops linux server. Same mission packed with arma pbo view doest work.

Am I the only one having this trouble with the linux dedi?

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