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Addaction for MP and trigger

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Ok really need some help with Addaction and getting it to work in MP,

This is what I have so far it all works great but when i put it on a dedi server I am having issues , it seems that the person who uses the Addaction , seems to be the only one who can get the timer and set off the IED.

I am trying to get it so anyone who sets off the trigger gets the timers and can defuse / setoff the IED

Any help advice would be most welcome....


intelstart= false;
publicvariable "intelstart";

Trigger In editor // to try and get it so it will activate for anyone

Con: intelstart
Act: Null = [] execVM "intelIED.sqf"


MyCivAction1=this addAction ["Get IED", "starintelIED.sqf"]

starintelIED.sqf: // so it is not just local now ?!

intel1start= True;
publicvariable "intel1start";


//////////////IED misssion////////////////////////////////////////////////////

if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // just run on server now

deletevehicle Cheget; // just incase it is still on map
["remove_action3", []] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; // remove Addaction

[nil,nil,rHINT,"We have some Intel on another bomb location, you are to try and defuse the Bomb and stop collateral damage"] call RE;
waituntil { !isNil "BIS_fnc_init" }; 
[nil,nil,rPlaysound,"dropbox"] call RE;
_random = floor(random 5);
_spawnspot = ["boom1", "boom2", "boom3","boom4","boom5","boom6","boom7","boom8","boom9","convoywp10_a"] select _random; //get random location from markers
Cheget = "Suitcase" createVehicle getmarkerpos _spawnspot;
Cheget setVehicleInit "defuseaction = this addaction [""Defuse"", ""DefuseAction.sqf""]";

//Create Marker
_marker = createMarker[format["marker%1",Cheget],getmarkerpos _spawnspot ];
_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
_marker setMarkerType "FLAG";
_marker setMarkerText "Bomb Location";
_marker setMarkerSize [.50, .50];

//Create Trigger to start
_triggeram1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[getmarkerpos _spawnspot select 0,getmarkerpos _spawnspot select 1,0]];
_triggeram1 setTriggerArea [20,20,0,false];
_triggeram1 setTriggerActivation ["WEST","PRESENT",true];
_triggeram1 setTriggerTimeout [5,5,5,true];
_triggeram1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "BombTimerScript = [this, 25] execVM 'BombTimer.sqf';",""];
/////ctreate OPFOR//////////////////
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
_positionToSpawnIn = [((getpos Cheget) select 0) + _dx, ((getpos Cheget) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp1 = [_positionToSpawnIn, east,["Offroad_DSHKM_INS", "BTR90","BTR90","BTR90"],[[-3,-3], [3,3], [0,0], [3,-3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
Sleep .5;
[_armourgrp1, getPos cheget, 380] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;

// Initialize Functions
waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")};
waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")};
// If you only wanted one of the two markers to get guys use this line.

// How many enemies in each group.
_enemyCount = 10 ;//_this select 0;

// Spawn the first group and have them attack.
_grprIED = [getPos Cheget, east, _enemyCount] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

[_grprIED, getPos cheget, 180] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol;

waituntil{!alive Cheget};

["add_action3", []] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent;

[nil,nil,rHINT,"Well done come back for more intel when you have time "] call RE;

Deletemarker _marker;
deletevehicle _triggeram1;
deletevehicle Cheget;
_grprIED spawn {
_units = units _this;
waitUntil {sleep 300; ({alive _x} count _units) == 0};
{deleteVehicle _x} foreach _units;
deleteGroup _this;

{deletevehicle _x;} foreach crew _armourgrp1;

deletevehicle _armourgrp1;


private ["_bomb", "_timer"];
_bomb = _this select 0;
_timer = _this select 1;

waitUntil {_timer = _timer - 1; sleep 1; hintsilent format ["Time: %1", _timer]; _timer < 0 || DEFUSED};

if (_timer < 0) then {
_blast = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (position Cheget);
Cheget removeaction defuseaction;
deletevehicle Cheget;

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Without looking in great detail, it would appear you are setting the wrong value for the trigger:

intel[color="Red"]1[/color]start= True;
publicvariable "intel[color="Red"]1[/color]start";

While your trigger is looking for


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Opppss that is just a type o , as the trigger does fire.

But like i said only the player who uses the addaction is able to see the timer and get the defuse etc..

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Not sure about the action I never use setVehicleInit. What about the MPF framework using RE and rADDACTION or rSPAWN.

I'm surprised it actually works for someone on a dedicated since triggers created via. scripting are local to the machine. Meaning the trigger you create to start "Bombtimer.sqf" only runs on the server.

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

For the timer part I posted this in another thread. The time is synchronized and shown for all:


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