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How to make a vehicle start moving when you begin mission

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Alright so i am new to this scripting stuff and editor for ARMA 2 OA, and i am trying to figure out how you can make the vehicle start moving when you start the mission. Also if somebody could help me with having the game start black and thing have the game fade in. If you guys can help me that would be awesome :)

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Just give the vehicle a waypoint and it'll start driving to it at the start.

For a fade in put this in your init.sqf:

titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999];
titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5];

Change the 5 to however many seconds you want the fade to last.

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Where is the init.sqf, or do you create a folder and put the code into the folder?

Edited by SgtDThompson

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You need to create an init.sqf and put it into the mission folder.

create an init.sqf with armaedit:


install it whereever you want.

start a new file and call the file a init.sqf, then

pu the codes above in the space Kylania posted.

after that put the script in your mission folder seen here:

C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\ArmA 2\missions

just look for the title of your mission.

If your mission is mpmission then the same address above will be the same except mpmissions.

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Alright it still isn't working, I downloaded the armaedit, created the init.sqf file then put the codes in, but then i put it in the missions folder and tried the mission but it still won't work.

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Its a sp mission your creating correct?

Whats not working?, the fade in or the waypoint?

What exactly are you trying to create in your mission a little movie or an intro for your mission?

will you be in the vehicle, or are trying to get in the vehicle at the mission start?

Details are important or we cant help you.

saying it doesn't work dont tell me nothing then I have to ask 50 questions to find out whats not working.

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Alright its a sp mission and the fade in isn't working. and i am trying to create a intro for the mission and i am in a chopper moving to a crash site. For the mission i want the chopper to move right when you start not sit in the air for a couple of seconds and then get moving.

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Ok, for the chopper part place a chopper you'll already be in it if you make pilot the player, under special set to flying.

Give the chopper a waypoint by clicking on the chopper, make sure the Waypoint option is set, or on (F4) and the create

waypoints where you want the chopper to go.

As for Fade edit the first waypoint and then go to the bottom left and click on the effects button, on that page is effects its

the last option on the bottom (drop down list) then in the effects pick the fade in or which ever effect you want.

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