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How to create the file config.cpp

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Hi all for now I know how to do everything except to create the files Config.cpp, cfgSurface.hpp and the file cfgClutter.hpp. I say to create them from zero.

For now I would want to try that is only my map with the texture of the ground and a plant this

model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassDryLongBunch.p3d";

I have the whole necessary files to create the file Config.cpp however I don't know whether to create him.

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It's precisely these basic files & folders my forthcoming guide is designed to explain!

I'm still writing the damned thing!... 19 pages and I've just finished explaining the "Data" folder!

I might be a few more days finishing that :(...

Meantime, I'd suggest that for such a simple initial test you just copy and adapt the files from Sgt Ace's Tutorial.

It's a basic 1 colour mask/ single grass surface terrain... you should be able to just copy the cfgSurfaces, cfgClutter and Config.cpp from that - then do some careful editing...

Basically replacing "TUT" (the tutorial "dummy namespace" name) with "YourTag" and "TUT_SampleMap" (the tutorial "island name") with "bamba" in all cases....


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Thanks Bush , then I wait for your guide :), because I have tried all, also to modify a file Config.cpp existing, but how much I look for of it creates the file.pbo with BinPBO me from a proper error in the file Config.cpp



Edited by kimmo

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hey bush!!! just for the record... in your new brand guide please take notice that setting a second texture layer (with same parameters than base texture layer) helps to gain a lot of focus when viewing rivers water from distance.... very helpful with low deep rivers and deltas... cya!

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