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Extending view distance seems to have broken game? Reinstall useless.

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I downloaded the full CWA 1.99 install that included resistance. I used my old Operation Flashpoint CD key to install it. Everything worked fine in resistance for the first few missions.

PROBLEM: I went into the IN GAME graphics menu and noticed that my view distance was not maxed out. I started increasing it (my PC is way above minimum specs), but then the game started pausing and crashed before I could even finish maxing out the view distance. When I try to restart it, the game freezes on the first logo. I tried reinstalling the game, but it does nothing, it still freezes on the first logo. I can't get into the game to adjust the settings back to normal.

---> If I run as administrator, the game works but all my old saves are missing. It seems like my default profile has bugged settings, I can't figure out how to completely remove it to reinstall the game.

I am using windows 7.

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No matter your specs you will never be able to run CWA/OFP maxed out, besides it breaks most missions as they are intended to be played at 900m view distance and if you increase it the AI's view distance changes too.


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Salad, can you find "User" folder in CWA installation directory? Simply delete it to set all settings to default values and launch the game. If you can't find mentioned folder, try to disable security settings on CWA dir that it would let you to modify content of all folders in the way you want. It's a simple problem, which is relevant to Vista/W7 users.

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I had already tried deleting my user folder many times but it wouldn't work. I installed the game to a new folder and that seemed to fix it.

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Wow I can't read it seems?? -sory

Have you tried modifying the userinfo.cfg? should be in the userfolder if it still exist

Find this parameter:


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You didn't read wrong, I just didn't mention that yet. I did end up finding the user config but I could not find the parameter. I ended up just deleting it and reinstalling, but that still didn't work.

Installing it to a different folder seems to have solved the problem.

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