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84 Charlie MoPic

BIS - Pleses implement a \'lean\' movement

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Bis- Could you please add a 'lean' movment?

It's quite annoying having a firefight in a town and not being able to 'lean / peek' around a wall and let of a few rounds.

Lets face it, cover and protection is a real luxury in OFP and having to expose the whole of your body in order to fire aound a wall just doesn't seem right.

Also could you add a 'walk with gun' command in the orders menu?

Whenever i'm in charge of team and begin walking with the gun in my hands, the rest of the squad runs normally.

This would also be good in that you could order a few of your team to ' walk with the gun in their hands' when seeking out the last remaining enemy soldires in town / forest. So that instead of running as they normally do - they appear to be stalking - now that would be AWESOME ( i never thought I would ever use that word in a forum )

Please add the 'lean' command - it may prevent / reduce those irritating 500 yard headshots that the A.I. pull off.

Thanks for a GREAT game and special thanks for continuing to frequent the forums and answering various questions...

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Hmmmmm last part isnt it just telling your men to be in aware or combat mode then they should have weapons in hands instead of on the back?confused.gifconfused.gif

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What I mean with the last part is that when you have the gun in your hands, you have 3 types of movement avialable to you:

1. Normal run

2. Sprint

3. Walk ( enabled by pressing F )

All of the above can be used when you have the gun in your hands. However, your team A.I. seems to walk at random.

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I would like to have one guys used as lead or a scout. This would save the rest of the squad incase of a large firefight

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Yeah, I'd like to see a 'lean' action put in as well. Obviously only when you're standing or crouching, I think this would add to the gameplay.

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The things with gun in hand is when you aim. If you set your team to "danger" (combat) behaviour, they will aim while walking slowly forward.

This is how I understand the behaviour commands;

Stealth = Your team will crouch a´lot and stay down.

Danger = Your team is ready for combat, they are alert and walks with their gun up ready to fire.

Aware = The men in your team will have their weapons in their hands to be ready for action though there is no threat present. They act more relaxed then in "Danger".

Safe = At ease soldier... No threats, probably at your base or at a camp where its all clear. The weapons hang on the back where they do no good.

Note: The men in your team only puts their weapons on their back if you do.

(Edited by Lansen at 5:33 pm on Dec. 5, 2001)

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Thanks for the advice Lansen,  however I just noticed that if your in charge of a squad and order an A.I. soldier to go to a particular place on the map, then they will run or crawl ( But never purely slow walk/aim ) regardless of their combat mode.

But I would still love to be able to order soldiers to a specfic place on the map and for them to reach their destination whilst aiming / wakling slowly forward.

How atmospheric would it be lying on a hill, watching your A.I. slow walking - aiming advance upon on town and then sweeping through it in that style? Or even better - a forest !

Imagine that style of walking / aiming coupled with the 'search and destroy' waypoint in the editor so that the A.I. can slow walk / aim continually  from one waypoint to another.

(Edited by 84 Charlie MoPic at 6:28 pm on Dec. 5, 2001)

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Brings back memories of 'Tour of Duty' the point man walking through a forest... A gunshot... The pointman down... other soldiers scrambling for cover as machine gun fire rakes through them....

*Sighs contently*

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Must have lean option.

And being able to tell individual soldiers  to go somewhere aiming while walking would be nice - You could make some nice town / forest clearing missions - it would also make for a nice cinematic cut-scene.


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Sorry for the *bump*  

( Not really biggrin.gif )

Just like to give this some attention, seeing as the next patch is probably just a week and half away.



(Edited by colt at 2:18 am on Dec. 10, 2001)

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This sounds like a major re-write. You'd even need new motion capture done for the animations. Maybe OFP2.

Can't say that I've ever felt the need to lean myself, though...

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Yeah, a major thing that always irretated me about OFP was a missing lean option, it´s s**tty that you have to expose your body like if you have the benifit of Robocops armor, not caring about bullet hits.


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