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Phantom Six

AI Heli, Targetting & Collision Workarounds

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I'm working on a helicopter wave missions where you survive waves of attack choppers. My question is how do you make the attack chopper fly in, target and shoot anyone they see (the players) even if they are somewhere else. If I make a waypoint with Open Fire, Engage all Target in Combat mode, they will engage players in that area but if I make the placement or completion radius too big they won't engage. I'm worry about making it too small that the players will just go the area that the helicopter wont be there so helicopter won't shoot if they don't see them.

Another questions I have is, how do I turn off collision damage for the helicopters but still leave take fire damage on because if you have a lot of AI helicopters heading to one area at the same time, they will crash each other and die.


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Will it work on spawned helis?

Edited by Phantom Six

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Is it possible to make this work for all Eastern units instead of just the heli's name in the variables because I also plan on spawning more helis after each wave.

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