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is there or will there be a chance to change the vert fine on the 500 to a T type tail... as i personally dont like the way it is now.....

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  EdinburghScouse said:
is there or will there be a chance to change the vert fine on the 500 to a T type tail... as i personally dont like the way it is now.....

This is one subject that has been thoroughly done to death. Nothing against your remark, you didn't know. Just to recap, For reasons that have been speculated but are unknown to the public BIS has decided to not include accurate visual models of real helicopters. The best and most likely to be true guess is probably that they are afraid of copyright infringement. In any case, we are going to have to wait for the modders to create accurate aircraft after the game releases.

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Copyright infringement? On models? I thought it was only use of name and trademarks. Are there any legal examples of such (mal) practice? Just curious, that's all.

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  CarlGustaffa said:
Copyright infringement? On models? I thought it was only use of name and trademarks. Are there any legal examples of such (mal) practice? Just curious, that's all.

Yes, basically they can only sue for infringement on name and trademarks. As I said, the reason is unknown, but they have addressed the issue and stated that they are not changing the models to be more realistic. Whatever their reason, the decision has been made.

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My bet is: We - as the hardcore simulations crowd - are scary, if they make helicopter that will look exactly like a 369D / B412HP / AW101, and won't perform like the real one, we'll march to Bohemia's HQ with pitchforks and torches :D

The rumor has it, that Jane's Combat Simulations ended this way ;)

Edited by Sundowner

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