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7 satchels and one Radio tower

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I have some weird issue with the Satchel Bags when destroying the Radio Towers in the Chernarus Coop Dom missions.

The Radio Tower needs 7satchels to be destroyed ! which makes all the missions difficult to complete.

I've tried to use A-10 and laser guided missiles, but no luck again.... 2 runs and 8 bombs did nothing to the tower.

On the beginning I thought it's bugged, so restarted the server etc, but not ! After restart, each mission have the same problem.

It is difficult to accomplish the mission, especially when there is 6 of us on Chernarus and huge amount of OPFORs protecting the tower like wild hogs....

Where I can find some files where that info is stored ? ( amount of satchels ), or at least power of satchels, so I could adjust it.

This spoils our fun a lot :(

Maybe some script could fix this ?

Guys, can you help on this please ?


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  kylania said:
*Casts Summon Grimes VI*


Well for one, the tower is not able to be damaged by anything that is not a satchel or ACE explosive device.

And for your answer...

x_server\x_f\x_serverfuncs.sqf - Line 870ish

FUNC(CheckMTShotHD) = {
private ["_tower", "_r", "_val"];
_r = 0;
if ((getText(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 4) >> "simulation") in ["shotPipeBomb", "shotTimeBomb"]) || ((_this select 4) == "ACE_PipebombExplosion")) then {
[color="Red"]		_r = (_this select 2) / [/color][color="Green"]5[/color][color="Red"];[/color]
_val = _tower getVariable QGVAR(damt);
if (isNil "_val") then {_val = 0};
_r = _r + _val;
_tower setVariable [QGVAR(damt), _r];

Where the red line is the line you're looking to edit, and the green number is the variable you are changing. When I was testing this I found that...

_r = (_this select 2) / 5;

Changing green variable

5 - 4-5 satchels

2 - 2-3 satchels

1 - 1-2? satchels

10 - 5+satchels

I use 1 as the variable and it is consistently needing only one satchel to destroy, the 2 was just a theoretical guess.

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Ha! I knew you'd know where to find that. How about allowing a GBU to take it out?

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Honestly it took me a while. I remembered what my post looked like in that thread, and I searched serverfuncs and other bits of the file name and nothing came up, so I had to go through the thread backwards until I found it. Ah well.

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You're GOD ! this work great :)

However I have another question...

Is there any way to set volume of the enemies in the mission ?

For 5-6 people playing on the server, the amount of enemies in each town is just overwhelming.

Where I have to look ?

BTW..Thanks guys for your help !

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@Lightspeed_aus - that's just unnecessary.

@Maraticius - Yes.

i_server - Lines 400-477ish

  Reveal hidden contents

First read the green part to get to know what you're doing. All I copy/pasted was case 0, or "Normal" amount of armor/units. Case 1 is "Less" armor/units, and case 2 is no armor, but obviously still unarmored and infantry. These options are selected in the parameters or defaulted in description.ext. So find the case you'll be using, or edit all 3. The red numbers are what you're looking at in each line.

Let me know if you need any help.

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Yes, I found it this morning and adjusted what I was looking for...

Thanks a lot again !

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  kylania said:
How about allowing a GBU to take it out?

US a10 GBU:

x_server\x_f\x_serverfuncs.sqf - Line 870ish

FUNC(CheckMTShotHD) = {
private ["_tower", "_r", "_val"];
_r = 0;
if ((getText(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 4) >> "simulation") in ["shotPipeBomb", "shotTimeBomb"]) || ((_this select 4) == "ACE_PipebombExplosion")) then {
	_r = (_this select 2) / 5;
[b][i]if ((_this select 4) == "Bo_GBU12_LGB") then {_r = _this select 2};[/i][/b]
_val = _tower getVariable QGVAR(damt);
if (isNil "_val") then {_val = 0};
_r = _r + _val;
_tower setVariable [QGVAR(damt), _r];

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