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Removing IR Lock from Unguided Weapons

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So no matter what i do i cant seem to remove the locking ability of unguided bombs which is abit of an issue especially when the aircraft they are for can carry a large quantity of ordinance.

Base code im using for the unguided weapons.

	class anzac_BombBase: BombCore {
	hit = 5000;
	indirectHit = 1100;
	indirectHitRange = 12;
	cost = 1000;
	canLock = 0;
	irLock = 0;
	laserLock = 0;
	nvLock = 0;
	maxControlRange = 10;
	maneuvrability = 16.000000;
	sideAirFriction = 0.100000;
	simulation = "shotRocket";
	maxSpeed = 100;
	timeToLive = 120;
	initTime = 0;
	thrustTime = 0;
	thrust = 0;
	soundHit[] = {"Ca\sounds\Weapons\explosions\explosion_large1", 28.183832, 1, 1900};
	model = "";
	proxyShape = "";
	CraterEffects = "BombCrater";
	explosionEffects = "BombExplosion";
	whistleDist = 24;

If its not the weapon it would be the aircraft.

class CfgVehicles {
/*extern*/ class Plane;

class anzac_adf_f111_hvy : Plane
	destrType = "DestructWreck";
	scope = 2;
	vtol = 0;
	crew = "anzac_fighter_pilot_classic";
	typicalCargo[] = {"anzac_fighter_pilot_classic"};
	displayName = "F-111C Ardvark (HMB)(C)(R)";
	side= 1;
	camouflage = 12;
	audible = 6;
	vehicleClass = "ADF_Fix";
	faction = "ANZAC";
	accuracy = 0.200000;
       landingSpeed = 250;
	landingAoa = "rad 10";
	acceleration = 200;
	maxSpeed = 1750;
	armor = 40;
	armorStructured = 1;
	irScanRangeMin = 100;
	irScanRangeMax = 10000;
	irScanToEyeFactor = 3;
	irTarget = 1;
	irScanRange = 6500;
	irScanGround = 1;
	aileronSensitivity = 1.0; 		
	elevatorSensitivity = 1.0;
	wheelSteeringSensitivity = 2.5;
	driverAction = A10_Pilot;
	hasGunner = 1;
	radarType = 4;
	LockDetectionSystem = 8;
	IncommingMisslieDetectionSystem = 16;
	weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher"};
	magazines[] = {"120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"};
	soundLocked[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316, 2};
	soundIncommingMissile[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316, 4};
	laserScanner = 1;
	gunAimDown = 0.045000;
	flapsFrictionCoef = 0.300000; 
	envelope[] = {0.000000, 0.400000, 1.900000, 4, 6.800000, 8.300000, 8.500000, 7.800000, 6.200000, 3.600000, 2.200000, 1.600000, 1.100000, 0.700000, 0.400000, 0};
	minFireTime = 30;
	gearUpTime = 4.500000;
	gearDownTime = 3;
	cost = 20000000;
	type = "VAir";
	threat[] = {0.1, 0.4, 1.0};
	driverIsCommander = 1;
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo_1", "camo_2", "camo_3", "camo_4", "camo_5", "camo_6", "camo_7", "camo_8", "camo_9", "camo_10", "camo_11", "camo_12", "target1","target2","target3","target4","map","myplane"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\bottom1.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\bottom2.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\bottom3.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\roundel.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\side1.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\tail.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\tailwing.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\top1.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\top2.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\top3.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\wingl.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\camo\wingr.paa", "\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_t\tex\fighter_blue_ca.paa.paa"};			
       soundDammage[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_s\alarm", 1, 1};
       soundLandCrash[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_s\Tire", 8, 1.2, 1200};
	soundGetIn[] = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-cabine-close1", db-25, 1};
	soundGetOut[] = {"ca\sounds\Air\AV8\ext\ext-jetair-cabine-open1", db-25, 1, 40};
	soundEngineOnInt[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_s\F111_start_in", 0.1, 0.7};
	soundEngineOnExt[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_s\F111_start", 0.7, 0.7, 1000};
	soundEngineOffInt[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_s\F111_stop_in", 0.1, 0.7};
	soundEngineOffExt[] = {"\anzac_fixed_wing_strike_s\F111_stop", 0.7, 0.7, 1000};

Hopefully someone will have a idea as to what the issue/s could be, Cheers.

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canLock etc is set in the cfgWeapon class

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